
This paper tries to give a simple answer for a complex question: why we do not “publish” in scientist congress? In this paper, we present the project of e-university “Acantelys” (www.acantelys.org, with more than 250 Latin-American students online), and we describe the practical methodology (with 8 critical phases), used successfully in eight world congresses and twenty international conferences of computer Engineering, telecommunications and IT management. Here, we show too a description of why the need for access to programs of high-tech training to low-income students from Latin America and how to get it; describes the minimum objectives and the management model should meet Institutions established for this purpose, outlines the methodological structure and educational tools currently used by Acantelys cooperative association, as a practical solution for these projects, and finally we sharing the results obtained so far and the goals future of this organization.


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  7. Juan M, Karina A. Using Hybrid Wireless NOMOHi Devices in Green Rural Telecommunications Networks, the 12 World Telecommunications Congress 2012. JAPAN. http://www.ieice.org/∼wtc2012/program.html#TS-A1 .
  8. Juan M, Karina A. Security Architecture for Ad hoc Networks NOMOHi, Development of A project based on Emergency Rural Telecommunications . The World Congress on Internet Security (WorldCIS-2012, Canada). http://www.worldcis.org/Home.html .
  9. Juan M. The Fundamentals Design Of Architecture And Radio Technologies Used For Low-Power Communication NOMOHI Devices . The World Engineering, Science and Technology Congress ESTCON2010, the International Symposium on Information Technology 2010 (ITSim 2010), June 2010, Malaysia. http://www.utp.edu.my/estcon2010/ .
  10. Juan M. The Acantelys Model for to build Effective Partnerships between Industry and academy using real work situations in the Designing of virtual Labs and Simulations . The 2010 International Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer Science and Computer Engineering in WORLDCOMP'10 - The 2010 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing. http://www.ucmss.com/cr/main/papersNew/papersAll/FEC4562.pdf .

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