Volume 2022 Number 3
  • EISSN: 2223-506X


The practice of medicine and the medical sciences have progressed tremendously in the past half century. This talk explores the background and causes of this transformation in medicine as seen through the lens of a surgeon who has practiced medicine for over 50 years.

If Medicine is the science and practice of diagnosis, treatment, prevention, alleviation, or cure of disease… If our role as Medical Professionals is to protect, promote, and restore good health… If our Hippocratic oath speaks to the notion of Primum Non Nocere. First, do no harm…

Then… Can the newly created branches of cosmetic and aesthetic surgery within the field of Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery be considered “Medicine”? Should Medicine be in the business of beauty services? Should beauty standards remain in the domain of art? Is the beauty industry a virus in the Medical Profession? How do we ensure our Profession stays true to its promise, its oath?


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  • Article Type: Research Article
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