Volume 2023, Issue 2
  • EISSN: 2309-3927


The absence of measurable indicators for family well-being poses significant challenges in the Arab context. Without a standardized framework for assessment, it becomes difficult to identify areas of concern and allocate resources effectively. Moreover, the lack of quantifiable data hinders the development of targeted interventions and policy initiatives aimed at promoting family well-being. Hence, the establishment of measurable indicators for family well-being is a critical step towards promoting strong, resilient families in the Arab region. By providing a comprehensive framework for assessment, monitoring, and comparison, these indicators can inform policy decisions, enhance intervention strategies, and ultimately contribute to the overall well-being of families and individuals across the region. This article delves into the intricate landscape of family well-being, exploring its diverse dimensions and critically examining the gaps in the existing indexes and the role of measurable indicators in guiding effective interventions and policy decisions. Addressing the urgent need for measurable indicators, this article outlines a novel family well-being index for the region. Comprising three pillars – economic security, emotional well-being, and social connectedness – and relying on 12 practical indicators, the index provides a foundational framework for comprehensive assessment, data-driven interventions, and informed policy decisions. This framework offers a concrete step towards promoting family well-being and fostering a thriving future for families across the region.


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