Volume 2024, Issue 2
  • EISSN: 2309-3927


This article presents a theoretical framework with analytical models for examining policy implementation. It combines a multi-perspective framework (rational and critical) to explore the rationality, dynamism, and complexity of the policy process. Public policy is designed to achieve specific goals, but its implementation must also address the evolving and conflicting interests of various stakeholders, which requires a critical approach. This approach helps in understanding the implementation process as a series of complex, interrelated actions and events. Therefore, this article presents research that uses a case study methodology with analytical models, allowing the researchers to collect and analyze data. The analytical models enabled them to examine variables and factors such as policy delivery structure, communication mechanisms, and environmental factors. For example, socioeconomic and political factors impacted and hindered the implementation process. In summary, this article highlights the significance of conducting research that uses a multi-perspective approach across various contexts and regions to analyze the process of education policy implementation.


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