6 - Al-Bayan University Scientific Conference
  • ISSN: 1999-7086
  • EISSN: 1999-7094


The aim of this study was to assess undergraduate student's practices and attitudes toward family violence in the University of Baghdad.

This was a descriptive study on non-probability (purposive) sample of 100 undergraduate students from different colleges at the University of Baghdad from November 15, 2022 to May 20, 2023. A validated questionnaire was prepared with 43 questions, which consisted of three parts: eight items related to students’ demographic data, 13 items related to students’ attitudes, and 22 items related to students’ practices.

Positive attitudes toward family violence were used by the parents, and with respect to the total relative sufficiency (86.18%), the attitude level was moderate. Undergraduate students reported low levels of family violence practices from their parents with respect to the total mean scores (1.43) and the relative sufficiency (47.5). There was a significant relationship between students’ practices and their parents’ perception of family violence ( < 0.05).

This study concludes that students in the University of Baghdad had positive, moderate attitudes toward parents’ violence. They also experienced a low level of practice toward family violence, as well as parents’ level of education has an impact on students’ violence practices.

There is a need to raise community awareness about the consequences of family violence and mistreatment of the family members through mass media, and to establish family violence counseling centers for students.


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