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International Review of Law - Volume 2014, Issue 2
Volume 2014, Issue 2
(اللاجئين الفلسطينيين في ضوء القانون الدولي للاجئين (من غياب الحماية والرعاية إلى ضياع حق العودة
More Lessقضية اللاجئين الفلسطينيين واحدة من أهم القضايا المعاصرة في نطاق القانون الدولي للاجئين. ومع ذلك شهدت هذه القضية ضعفًا وهشاشة من حيث الرعاية والحماية القانونية نتيجة التفسير الضيق لقواعد القانون الدولي للاجئين من قِبل الأطراف المسؤولة عن توفير تلك الحماية والرعاية القانونية للاجئين الفلسطنيين. ساهم في هذا الإهمال غياب هذه القضية في الجوانب القانونية والسياسية المؤثرة على الحالة الفلسطينية بشكل عام حيث تم الاهتمام بحق تقرير المصير والحكم الذاتي ووقف الاستطيان وغيره من القضايا الأخرى. في حين أن ق Read More
Dissecting the claims of legitimization for the ritual of female circumcision or female genital mutilation (FGM)
More LessThis work analyses the various arguments put forward by the supporters of female genital mutilation (FGM) under Islamic law to determine whether this practice has its roots in Islam, whether it is a customary or cultural tradition, or whether it is a matter of personal preference in different parts of the Muslim world where the practice exists. The findings of this work are that the arguments given in support of FGM are either not reliable, are Read More
The governance of religion and law: Insights from the prohibition of usury
More LessReligion and law are often portrayed as belonging to different, isolated spheres and as conflicting with each other, especially with regard to the process of governing today's global economic and political affairs. The portrayal and handling of such conflicts are especially reflected in media reports and are ultimately part of the public debates that precede legislative action dealing with a great variety of legal issues, including, but not limited to, su Read More
Tortious liability of mass media for the invasion of personal rights: A comparative study between English law and Kuwaiti law
More LessThe importance of this research is attributed to the significant role of the media in our lives, since it is considered to be one of the most important sources of knowledge in all cultural, educational, political, economic and social fields. Media is also used by people in attempts to uphold their freedoms and safeguard their rights. The honest expression of democracy is a salient feature of its existence, and it is also the main means by which th Read More
Regulating payments for M-Content: The positive impact of the deregulation
More LessThis paper analyses the regulatory regime potentially applicable to the prepaid m-payments for m-content before and after the introduction of the Electronic Money Directive (2009) and the Payment Services Directive (2009). The paper concludes that the regulatory regime pre-2009 was neither technologically neutral nor did it provide legal certainty. In fact, the pre-2009 regulatory regime caused arbitrary distinctions to be drawn bet Read More
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