
'Green jobs' help reduce negative environmental impact ultimately leading to environmentally, economically and socially sustainable enterprises and economies. More precisely green jobs as defined by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) are jobs that: *Reduce consumption of energy and raw materials *Limit greenhouse gas emissions *Minimize waste and pollution *Protect and restore ecosystems The above definition covers activities related to both mitigation of and adaptation to climate change. It implies in its inclusivity and breadth that every job can potentially become greener and can help to resolve global environmental issues. Four areas of change have been identified as necessary for green jobs: physical changes in the environment itself; environmental policy and regulation; technology and innovation; and changes in prices, markets and consumer habits. These areas are interrelated but their relative importance differs among countries. In developed countries consumer behaviour and hence market forces are seen as critical for change, whereas in developing countries environmental changes and policy and regulation remain more important. Lessons from viewing early change patterns in the take up of environmentalism in industrialized countries may be useful in deepening our understanding of the policy-making and incentives necessary for appropriate investment, business development and technology transfer. Countries like Australia and Qatar are currently coping with a host of environmental challenges, particularly in the areas of construction and tourism and their impact on the environment. To take on this challenge, Australia and Qatar have produced strong policies designed to enhance environmental conservation. However, without developing supporting job skills, knowledge and abilities in the labour force, this challenge remains difficult to achieve. In view of this, the project will focus on identifying and understanding the role of particular skills, knowledge and abilities to build and sustain a green economy within these sectors. The project is to meet the following objectives: *To identify the necessary green skills, knowledge and abilities needed to develop and sustain an environmentally engaged construction and tourism industry; *To identify and describe existing and emerging 'green jobs' in the building and tourism industries to assist in the creation of a database of 'green skills'; *To analyse and describe the skills gaps/weaknesses of current 'green jobs' in the construction and tourism industry; *To review the current skills and training system, in particular institutional capacities and skills/competency standards in relation to their ability to create and support an environmentally engaged construction and tourism industry; *To propose 'skills for green jobs' responses (in terms of policies and programmes) to support the creation of new qualifications and to adjust existing qualifications in the construction and tourism industries; and *To provide recommendations on the best way to integrate green skills/green jobs components into existing skills/competency standards for selected priority occupations within the construction and tourism sector and other industry sectors.


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