
This study focuses on comparing the Traditional Flyback PFC (F-PFC), and the Quasi Z-Source PFC (QZS PFC) on range of (36–720W) and input Voltage of (130, 200, 230V) with an output Vdc of 36 Volts while operating in Continuous Conduction Mode. The study has confirmed that F-QZS PFC has better THD%, P.F, and lower output current and voltage ripple relative with the output power. In addition, the stress on each main element has been explored and it was confirmed that the F-QZS has robust measured voltage and current across the elements due to the effect of crossed capacitance topology in the F-QZS while the F-PFC suffers from high spikes. Finally, a very precise closed loop duty ratio control was developed to optimize the performance of the F-QZS PFC.


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