
Existing solar technology can convert only limited bandwidth of solar rays into electricity due to the Shockley-Queisser limit of the solar diodes. Rest get wasted by heating up the solar array or reflected back. This proposed method increases this bandwidth range significantly. Thus produces high yield of electricity. Thin organic solar panel sheet is coated for reflecting non-absorbed bandwidth of sun rays. This sheet can be bend into concave shape with different focal radius. By using solar cell mirror made of this panel with MPPT, a solar farm can be made that converts some of the solar energy into electricity and reflects rest of the solar bandwidth into one single focus location where a series of lenses and prisms are located. These series of lenses converts the incoming bandwidth of rays into tightly focus collimated Gaussian beam which goes through two heterogeneous or multimode circular prisms in a close loop waveguide for ring lasing pulse generation. These prisms have layers of different refractive indexes. So, higher frequencies come out near the circumference of one of the prism and lower frequencies come out from its center. And the other one has opposite effect. First beam goes through a pipe in which fluid is flowing in opposite direction and the other beams at the opposite side enter through the same direction of the fluid flow. Two beams are tuned to be out of phase. This increases absorption by fluid due to destructive effect of the beams. The viscosity of the fluid is controlled through varying temperature and pressure. It is mostly kept in a controlled laminar flow, where center fluid layer has higher velocity than the boundary layer. This superfluid needs to be both electrical and thermal conductive. The spectrum in which beam is divided, the higher frequency rays (UV, X- rays) hit the lower velocity fluid layer (near boundary) and lower frequencies (infrared) for higher velocity fluid layers (near center). Similar to laser cooling technique, all fluid atoms are excited to same virtual energy state depending on thermal stability. Depending on the intensity of this two photon absorption and above threshold energy level in the continuum, either free electron or higher harmonics (HHG) can be generated by four wave-mixing, self-phase modulation and Raman scattering process within this non-linear superfluid. This superfluid II supports magnetic vortices that confined the free electron or induced hyperpolarized fluid atoms. Through mode locking technique these higher harmonics can form high intensity femtosecond pulse that can be used to produce electricity in a plasma cavity and multi-channel plates (MCP). Since all fluid atoms are excited at same population average energy, the emitted side-bandwidth beside the pulse is very narrow, which can be converted into electricity by using conventional solar tiles. The other outcome is cooling effect because fluid gets cool down due to losing kinetic energy. This new method can not only produce high volume power generation but also provide temperature controlling system for a city that is especially located in desert.


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