oa The Dawn of Creation with Mobile Learning Technologies and Language Learning Pedagogy
- Publisher: Hamad bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press)
- Source: QScience Proceedings, 12th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning (mLearn 2013), Oct 2013, Volume 2013, 27
The learning design with mobile learning technologies, particularly the iPad, affords the creation of learning products. Combined with task-based language learning and project-based learning pedagogy, mobile learning technology can be utilized with great effect. This short paper will describe the nature of creating learning products with pedagogy including task-based language learning and project-based learning. Student examples from an English as a Second Language classroom setting and self-reported teacher journal entries will be used to illustrate. Stemming from the teacher observations noted in the journal entries, there are two fresh perspectives on the creation of learning products. The pedagogy of task-based language learning and project-based learning afforded the creation of learning products throughout the learning process culminating in a final learning product.