
The Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) program within the Center for Productivity Innovations (CPI) in the Industrial and Systems Engineering department at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville provides an opportunity for students to utilize industry as a laboratory for learning and developing research ideas. This paper presents an effective educational model being used in ISE-CPI to prepare a new generation of industrial engineering leaders. These young leaders' educational experience is enhanced as they are equipped with the technical, organizational, and social skills necessary for them to tackle global challenges and create value for society. A survey was developed to assess the contribution of the ISE-CPI program (in comparison with other mechanisms of acquiring education) from the students' perspective. The results validate the success of the ISE-CPI program model in combining formal education and career experiences to train effective leaders through industry-related projects.


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  • Received: 18 January 2014
  • Accepted: 30 April 2014
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