oa Ethical issues in teaching at an American university in the Middle-East
- Publisher: Hamad bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press)
- Source: QScience Proceedings, Engineering Leaders Conference 2014 on Engineering Education, Aug 2015, Volume 2015, 2
Responsibilities of faculty members generally focus on teaching, research, and service. Faculty members are expected to hold high standards of ethics while performing their duties. As teachers, faculty members are involved in the education of students and are responsible for supervising student work. They are expected to maintain competency in their field of concentration, conduct their courses in conformity with the content and format, and carry out classes and exams at the scheduled times and places. They should encourage honest academic conduct and make sure that student evaluation reflects their true performance. This paper discusses the results of a survey completed by faculty on issues related to faculty ethics at a university in the Middle-East. Results of the study showed that a large number of the faculty considered issues related to grade change to be serious. Preferred courses of action by senior faculty were stricter than those of junior faculty. No definite trend was observed between the responses of faculty based on their discipline. Female faculty and administrators were generally in favor of seeking information from the guilty faculty on issues involving dishonesty before taking the matter up to the higher administration.