
Thermal comfort is, by definition, the condition of the mind that expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment, and is assessed by subject evaluation. ASHRAE 55 Standard is a form of subjective evaluation that formalises the impact of the prevailing mean outdoor temperature as a major contributing factor on occupants' ability to adapt to the comfort levels of the maintained indoor temperatures. In a hot climatic region such as the GCC, occupants spend the majority of their time indoors with artificially cooled environments where the prevailing mean temperatures are not necessarily as dictated in the Standard to be the outdoor temperature. ASHRAE 55 evaluates the adaptive thermal comfort expectation of occupants and outlines the acceptable percentage of people who may feel uncomfortable based on the impact of prevailing mean outdoor temperatures. However, in the GCC, the prevailing mean temperatures may be more influenced by the mean indoor temperatures of the buildings where people spend the most significant amount of time, or a proportionate factor of the multiple buildings in which they spend their time. This study determines the prevailing mean temperature variables that influence the GCC occupants' thermal comfort, and how these factors inversely translate to an intolerance of outdoor temperatures driving the occupants further indoors.


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