8 - The 3rd Mustansiriyah International Dental Conference
  • ISSN: 1999-7086
  • E-ISSN: 1999-7094


Subclinical hypothyroidism (SH), or so-called mild thyroid failure, is analyzed when serum thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels are beyond the highest limit of the reference range whereas free T4 concentrations are normal.

Determine delayed tooth eruption and hemoglobin levels in children with SH.

Case control study was directed amongst 120 children with age not exceed than 12 years old in Diyala governorate. Thyroid function, hemoglobin level, and a common oral manifestation in children with SH were evaluated to find an association between them and compared with healthy children. Children who have SH, after experiencing thyroid tests, have their mouths examined and their hemoglobin levels inspected; after receiving ethical clearance, informed consent was obtained from the relatives of participants.

Concerning patients (first group), which is comprised of 100 children with SH, control (second group) comprises of 20 children without SH. The delayed eruption of teeth was (7%) in SH children statistically showed a highly significant association. Level of TSH in the children with SH group was statistically highly significant increased as compared with the control group with Mean ± SE (8.93 ± 0.32) versus Mean ± SE (1.84 ± 0.25). In addition, a highly significant association existed when compared the control group and children with SH concerning hemoglobin level, with Mean ± SE (13.09 ± 0.14) versus Mean ± SE (10.89 ± 0.19).

Low level of hemoglobin and high prevalence of delayed tooth eruption were detected in children with SH compared to non-diseased control group.


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الموضوعات الرئيسية hemoglobinhypothyroidismoral cavity and thyroid-stimulating hormone

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