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- QScience Connect
- الأعداد السابقة
- الأعداد السابقة
QScience Connect - Issue 1
Issue 1
Process Pattern Recognition for Building Information Models:A Case Study
المؤلفون: Haya Al-Roum and Ruqaya Al-SabahBackground: The fourth dimension of building information modeling (BIM) plays a significant role in construction planning by linking the construction schedule to the existing building information model. However, a difficulty may arise concerning the ease with which a link can be made and modified. Pattern-based techniques that search for recurring processes can help eliminate this drawback by producing predefined process templates. Methods: This paper critically examines the applicability of generating pre-defined process templates for BIM-based schedules using process pattern recognition techniques to reduce the effort of defining the construction schedules and integrating the templates into the BIM data. The technique estimates the level of recurrence of certain tasks within a schedule by applying several metrics. A real-life construction schedule from a housing project in the State of Kuwait was decomposed into numerous sub-schedules based on a set criterion to estimate the level of recurrence, the sub-schedules were compared based on structural and contextual similarities. Results and Discussion: The generated process templates produced demonstrated that the approach is ideal for projects with repetitive processes and that by utilizing the templates, linking building elements to tasks in 4D modeling can be greatly facilitated, thereby reducing the planning time. Conclusion: This study corroborates the results of previous literature, which found that the improvement in the efficiency of construction planning could be achieved by applying reusable process templates. The generated templates should enable the idea of storing the process templates in data banks for detecting undesired regularities in previous schedules in preparation for future use.
Data mining indicates an association between ambient PM2.5 levels and wind speed in an urban environment (Education City, Doha, Qatar)
المؤلفون: Kevin Zhai, Fatema Al-Wahshi, Latifa Mahmoud, Majda Sebah and Mohammad S. YousefBackground: Elevated PM2.5 levels pose serious health hazards and are implicated in numerous acute and chronic conditions. Delineating the contributions of meteorological factors to PM2.5 levels is a daunting task, especially in confined or semiconfined urban spaces. This study aims to (1) characterize the influence of wind speed and direction on outdoor PM2.5 levels within a semiconfined urban environment, and (2) develop a simple and readily accessible data mining method for this purpose. The ultimate goal is to evaluate the extent to which PM2.5 correlations demonstrated in open spaces hold in semiconfined outdoor settings with irregular terrain. Methods: In this study, data mining techniques were applied to retrieve patterns pertaining to the effects of meteorological factors on PM2.5 levels. As a proof of concept, a feasible framework was developed to elucidate the associations between wind speed and direction and PM2.5 levels during May 2020 in Education City, Doha, Qatar. Results and Discussion: The results showed a modest negative correlation between wind speed and PM2.5 levels, at low to moderate, but not high, PM2.5 readings. Meanwhile, no correlation was detected between wind direction and PM2.5 levels. Conclusions: Limited by the geographical location, microenvironment, and duration of this study, it can be said with moderate statistical confidence that low PM2.5 readings are associated with high wind speeds. As a result, increasing wind speed may be beneficial at low to moderate PM2.5 levels. However, delineating a single contributing factor to high PM2.5 readings may prove infeasible. Moreover, an association with wind direction was not immediately obvious, possibly due to microenvironmental limitations. These findings underscore the applicability of data mining and the importance of microenvironmental factors in air quality research and mitigation.
The improvement in PM2.5 levels in Education City, Doha, Qatar during the COVID-19 lockdown was limited and transient
المؤلفون: Latifa Mahmoud, Fatema Al-Wahshi, Kevin Zhai, Majda Sebah and Mohammad S. YousefBackground: The COVID-19 lockdown reduced anthropogenic activities worldwide and therefore provided a unique opportunity to investigate the factors that impact air pollution. Here, we investigated the effect of the COVID-19 lockdown on particulate matter (PM2.5) levels in Education City, Doha, Qatar. Methods: Ambient air samples were collected in real time from two stations within Education City during 2019 and 2020. PM2.5 data collected from four different seasons during the lockdown were compared with their corresponding pre-lockdown levels. Results: No significant changes in PM2.5 levels were observed during the spring and fall seasons. A 10% decline in the PM2.5 level was observed post-lockdown in the summer season, whereas a 33% increase in the PM2.5 level was observed post-lockdown during the winter season. Conclusion: The decline in PM2.5 levels in Education City during the 2020 COVID-19 lockdown was transient and modest. No significant decline in PM2.5 levels was detected for most of the year. Therefore, anthropogenic activities (vehicular and industrial) could have had season-dependent effects on ambient PM2.5 levels within Education City.
تعزيز ثقافة القراءة: أدلة من ‘قطر تقرأ’
المؤلفون: لوجان كوشران, أوزجان أوزتورك, هانيه ختائي, ريم الأحبابي, فاطمة المالكي and هشام نورينالملخص
شهدت قطر نمواً اقتصادياً سريعاً في العقود الأخيرة، ووجهت استثمارات هائلة نحو قطاع التعليم بهدف تحسين النتائج التعليمية. وتطمح رؤية قطر الوطنية 2030 لتشجيع التعلم مدى الحياة؛ ومن العوامل المساعدة على ذلك تعزيز ثقافة القراءة. وتهدف الدراسة التي بين أيدينا إلى تقييم أحد البرامج التي سعت نحو تمكين هذا التغيير والوسائل المستخدمة في هذا الصدد، لتقدم بهذا شاهداً ودليلاً من دولة لم تحظَ بالدراسة الكافية في ظل ما تشهده من تحول سريع. ويظهر من هذا الدليل وجود تحسّن كبير لدى غالبية الأطفال المشاركين في البرنامج في موقفهم من القراءة وسلوكياتهم في هذا الشأن دون ملاحظة أي فوارق على أساس الجنس. كما تُظهر النتائج بالنظر إلى ما كان عليه الحال قبل المشاركة في البرنامج أن غالبية الأطفال المشاركين يقضون وقتاً أطول في القراءة، وأن غالبية الآباء يقضون كذلك وقتاً أكبر في القراءة لأطفالهم. ومع ذلك فإن هذه التغييرات الإيجابية لا نجدها بالضرورة لدى كل الأطفال أو الآباء. كذلك وجدنا مجموعة من العقبات الرئيسية التي تقف حائلاً دون التغيير، منها ما يتعلق بقيود زمنية أو تحديات تتصل بالتكنولوجيا، فضلاً عن بعض الصعوبات الفردية. وبناءً على تقييم دراسة الحالة هذه، نقدّم عدداً من التوصيات لتحسين أنشطة البرنامج، خاصة فيما يتعلق بالعقبات وبهدف التوسع في نطاق البرنامج ومستوى شموله.
المسؤولية القانونية لمدير الشركة المُؤَقَّت في النظام السعودي والمصري - دراسة مقارنة
المؤلفون: حمود عاطف مبارك القحطانيالملخَّص
تُعَدّ الإدارة المُؤَقَّتة للشركات إحدى الوسائل القانونية الحديثة لمواجهة الظروف الطارئة التي تواجه الشركة أثناء حياتها، والمحافظة على الكيان القانوني لها. وهي تساعد على إنقاذ المشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة من الزوال في حالة التعَسُّف وسوء الاستخدام في أعمال الإدارة. ففكرة اللجوء إلى نظرية مدير الشركة المُؤَقَّت من خلال تعيين شخص له من الخبرة الفنية والإدارية في مجال الشركات، ويمتلك القدرة على معالجة المخاطر الإدارية والفنية التي تعرضت لها الشركة، والمحافظة على الشركة من الحلّ والتصفية، في إطار قانوني يضمن استمرارية المُشَرِّع الاقتصادي. كما أنّها وسيلة قانونية لحماية الأقلية من المساهمين في الشركة، وأداة رقابية فعّالة في تحقيق الشركة لغرضها، وأداة قانونية فعّالة لكشف التصرفات الضارة بالشركة والشركاء لأنّها مُقيَّدة بزمن، والمدير ملتزم ببذل عنايته وحرصه، كما أنّها وسيلة قانونية لحماية الشركة من الإفلاس والتصفية والحلّ.
The temporary management of companies is one of the modern legal means to confront the emergency conditions facing companies, to preserve its legal entity, and to help saving small and medium sized enterprises from extinction in the event of abuse in the management's work. The idea of resorting to the theory of the company temporary manager, by appointing a person with related technical and administrative experience, has several benefits like the ability to deal with arising administrative and technical risks and saving companies from dissolution and liquidation, within a legal framework that guarantees the continuity of the economic legislator. Moreover, it is an effective legal tool to: protect the minority of shareholders; to detect harmful behaviors of the company and partners because the manager is staying for limited time during which the interim manager is obligated to exercise care; and to save the company from bankruptcy, liquidation and dissolution.
Nanophase engineering and visualization for biomedical applications: from technology to method
المؤلفون: Hong Y. Zhai, Mohammad S. Yousef and Kevin ZhaiNanobiotechnology has gained increasing traction in biomedical research and manufacturing in recent years. Benefiting from tools and methods developed in other nanophase engineering and visualization disciplines, this branch of biological engineering encompasses the worlds of biomolecular science, drug development, and bioelectronic device fabrication. A key challenge in observation and manipulation at the nanoscale is that smaller dimensions lead to weaker signals. Numerous technologies have been developed to detect weak signals and integrate them to create holistic views of biomedical phenomena. This perspective discusses some of these modern nanobiotechnologies and links them to fundamental principles in lithography, patterning, visualization, inspection, and signal detection - all of which emerged from electrical engineering, physics, and materials science.