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QScience Connect - Issue 2- Thesis
Issue 2- Thesis
Doping in sports and current regulations
المؤلفون: Muneera Ahmed Alkhelaifi and Maria Alejandra MartinezOver the years, numerous agencies were created to build and protect integrity in sports by reviewing the suitability of the existing laws in promoting community confidence in athletics. Doping is defined as the illegal consumption of certain substances in order to enhance athlete's performance and it has recently become a matter of concern. Anti-doping agencies were established to create regulations so players can participate in a doping-free sporting environment. Anti-Doping rules emphasize on the rationale to preserve what is intrinsically valuable about sport. This intrinsic value is often referred to as “the spirit of sport” and is concerned with ethics, fair play and honesty, health, excellence in performance, character and education, respect of rules and laws among other aspects. Hence, the key objective of this critical review is to reiterate on the importance of the criminalization of doping. It highlights the important gaps where immediate interference should take place with focus on the role of medical practitioners, pharmacies and sport science. Such a move is essential, as it will increase the avenue for handling doping cases using additional resources such as the legal framework of a country. Previously published articles were reviewed and the main findings indicate that several factors contribute to the increase in number of doping incidents such as the availability of steroids, facilitated drug trafficking, the involvement of multinational pharmaceutical organizations and other political interests. Moreover, in order to fight this phenomenon, local and international laws should penalize athletes who are engaged in doping at various levels. This criminal offense charges should implement prison sentence as well as imposing significant fine amounts to be paid. The ultimate legal action for offenders should be long-term suspension from participating in sporting events.
Seasonal influenza disease and annual influenza vaccine coverage at Primary Health Care Corporation, Qatar, 2018–2019: a descriptive study
المؤلفون: Seema Sylvia DsouzaBackground: Influenza is the most common communicable disease in the State of Qatar. The objective of this study was to describe the occurrence of seasonal influenza and influenza vaccine uptake, as well as to analyze whether influenza vaccine efficacy during the 2018/2019 season was met. Primary Health Care Corporation (PHCC) plays an important role in influenza disease surveillance and annual influenza vaccine administration in the country. Therefore, specific data available from this organization would reflect on the surveillance standards in place. However, data on influenza disease burden and vaccination coverage for the season was limited.
Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on the retrospective data of influenza-like illness (ILI) cases confirmed during the 2018/2019 influenza season by PHCC and the number of people who received the annual influenza vaccine in PHCC during the same season.
Results: ILI and influenza data: A total of 998 ILI cases were considered for this study. Laboratory testing was carried out among 88.5% of the cases. Type A and B infection contributed to 63.4% and 36.4% of the influenza cases, respectively. Furthermore, 87% (n=415) of the total influenza cases were not vaccinated with the season’s influenza vaccine, and 69% (n=18) of the total vaccinated ILI cases (n=26) tested negative for influenza. Influenza vaccine campaign data: Overall, 42,476 individuals were vaccinated with the annual influenza vaccine in PHCC for the 2018/2019 season. Influenza vaccine was administered to 52.3% of people with any one risk factor (mostly chronic diseases) for severe disease due to influenza.
Conclusions: The findings of this study on influenza seasonality and etiology were similar to that on previous seasons in the region. Recommendations focused on accurate and elaborate data collection and future research on the factors facilitating influenza vaccine uptake and vaccine effectiveness.
دراسة تأثير كوفيد-19 على الصحة النفسية في سوريا مقارنة بعينة من البلاد العربية: دراسة متغيرات مستوى القلق قبل اندلاع جائحة كوفيد-19 وفي ظل وجودها
المؤلفون: باسل عبدالهادي صوفان, باسل عمر بيرقدار and ، اياد عبدالهادي صوفانالملخص
الخلفية: لم تكتفِ جائحة كوفيد-19 بحصد أرواح بعض المرضى بل أدت أيضًا إلى عزلة وحجر أفراد المجتمع وتوقف العديد من الأعمال والأنشطة الترفيهية والدينية التي تعد من المغذيات الروحية للصحة النفسية واضعةً بصمتها وملحقةً الأذى بها. الهدف: هدفت الدراسة لمقارنة مستويات القلق قبل وبعد وجود الجائحة في سوريا، ومقارنتها مع بعض البلدان العربية الأخرى، إضافةً لدراسة انعكاس الصحة النفسية على الصحة الجسدية بعد انتشار المرض بدراسة ثلاثة متغيرات: النوع، العمر، المهنة. الأدوات: استخدم الباحثون في الدراسة استبيان الكتروني قسمه الأساسي مقياس هاميلتون لتقييم القلق، وتضمن أيضًا بعض المعلومات الديموغرافية للمشاركين، وحُللت البيانات باستخدام لغة بايثون البرمجية. النتائج: تضمنت العينة 559 مستجيبًا من عدد من البلاد العربيّة (53.31% مقيمون في سوريا، 62.79% إناث، 53.31% أعمارهم 21-30 عام). أظهرت الدراسة بأن مستويات القلق ارتفعت عمومًا في ظل وجود الجائحة، إذ ارتفع متوسط الدرجة الكلية لمقياس هاميلتون بمقدار 5.50 نقطة في سوريا وبمقدار 4.60 في بعض البلدان العربية الأخرى مع عدم وجود فرق إحصائي هام P>0.05))، وتعد الإناث الأصغر من 31 عامًا الفئة الأكثر تضررًا. الاستنتاج: تقترح الدراسة زيادة توارد المرضى إلى العيادات النفسية والهضمية وتأثُّر العملية التعليمية والمهنية سلبًا بسبب ازدياد معدل القلق والأرق خاصة لدى الشبّان والإناث. وتوصي بتنظيم جلسات نفسية داعمة في المدارس والجامعات وأماكن العمل، وتقديم الدعم النفسي للأفراد عامة وللفئات المذكورة خاصة.
Background: With the COVID-19 pandemic dramatic outcomes: high death rate, education institutions closure, business deterioration, and lock down with no social or religious gatherings, individuals have experienced several psychiatric disturbances like anxiety. Aims: This study aims to compare the levels of anxiety among people in some Arab countries before and after the COVID-19 pandemic; how the pandemic affected their mental health and lead to the appearance of psychosomatic symptoms. The study includes three variables: gender, work, age. Methods: The study used an online questionnaire that included a number sections, the main section was Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A), In addition to other sections like the demographic information section. We analyzed the data using python (programming language). Results: The study received 559 responders (N=559) from several Arab countries (62.79% Females, 53.31% of participants are 21-30 years old, 53.31% live in Syria). This study found Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale increased by 5.50 points in Syria, and 4.60 in some other Arab countries with no significant difference (P>0.05). Females aged less than 31 are the most affected people. Conclusion: The number of patients who experience psychological and digestive symptoms is increasing. Moreover, education and work performance have been affected as a result of the increasing levels of anxiety (especially among the youth). We recommend providing mental health support in schools, universities, and workplace.
Towards disruptive education: The potential role of artificial intelligence in customized learning
المؤلفون: Marwen Hjiri and Alexandre Freire DormeierThis work aims to study the potential role of Artificial Intelligence in customized learning. The rationale behind this particular topic relies on two factors. First of all, the need to highlight the importance of the educational eco-system in Qatar as it considers all levels of education starting from kindergarten to university and higher studies. Education in Qatar has achieved a significant advancement in various areas after adopting independent school systems with international practices and allowing students to join top-ranked universities worldwide. Secondly, the need to find a way to combine Artificial Intelligence (AI) with education to explore the potential of AI in adaptive learning in Qatar. The results show that the utilization of AI in adaptive learning seems to be promising in advancing the quality of education in an unstable instruction setting, such as the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic and the prospect of implementing a versatile education.
Studying the causes of delays in construction projects: the case of Qatar infrastructure projects
مزيد أقلBackground: This study aims to examine the causes of delay in construction projects, particularly in the case of infrastructure projects in Qatar. The most critical delay causes were analyzed in the perception of the project’s three participants: clients, contractors, and consultants. A literature review was conducted to highlight possible delay causes in other countries. There were gaps in detecting the causes of delay due to the lack of studies on Qatar infrastructure projects. Methods: The deductive approach has been used in this study for the quantitative method. It provides a new framework or theory for identifying the causes of delay. The quantitative method used a questionnaire that was created through Survey Monkey. The number of participants was one hundred thirty-three. The questionnaire included forty-one questions in four sections, one sheet for participant information, nine questions about personal data, thirty questions about delay causes, and two questions about delay effects. Results and Discussion: The data analysis was conducted on a questionnaire to rank the causes of delays by the Relative Importance Index (RII) method. Further analysis was undertaken to interpret the data by regression analysis. The results showed that client changing orders during construction was the most significant delay cause in Qatar infrastructure projects. Conclusions: The research aim was achieved by meeting its objectives. Several recommendations were suggested to reduce delays’ influence on Qatar's infrastructure projects. Research limitations were identified for this study.