
The researcher aims to investigate dynamic assessment strategies and their relationship with academic achievement of students with a sample of general education teachers (N=282). They completed dynamic assessment scale. The results of their students were recorded. Using explanatory factor analysis, correlation coefficients the findings indicated that the dynamic strategies of assessment includes: identifying students weaknesses and providing remedial learning, modifying teaching and assessment styles during learning session, monitoring students’ progress, considering students’ preferences of teaching and assessment, assessing students’ understanding of each element of the lesson, discussing student’s suggested ideas, using questions and tasks that help students to learn, reviewing students’ homework, assignments and provide them with feedback. The findings also indicated that the relationships among these strategies and students’ academic achievement were significant. These relationships were high in the case of identifying students’ weaknesses and providing remedial learning, modifying teaching and assessment styles during learning session, reviewing students’ homework, assignments and provide them with feedback and assessing students’ understanding for each element of the lesson. These findings support the orientations of employing dynamic assessment strategies as an effective approach to improve students’ learning.


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  • Received: 30 April 2015
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