
The construction material industry is responsible for approximately 25% of global CO2 emissions associated with material manufacturing in addition to consumption of significant non-renewable natural resources. Leading environmental and energy guidelines and certification bodies therefore promote the reduction of carbon footprint of the building and the use of a high recycling content in the construction materials.The aim of this research is to tackle the issues of natural resources conservation, carbon footprint of construction materials and waste management by producing a renewable construction brick made from micro algae, with almost 100% renewable and recycled content using a very low energy process.Micro-Algae has a higher yield of oil production than terrestrial crops whilst providing no competition for agricultural land and water. It could be cultivated using seawater and solar heat, the most abundant resources on the planet. This research paper will present a holistic approach (patent pending) to produce the algal bricks which comprise of:· The most suitable microalgae species as precursors for the brick manufacturing; · Associated oil yields and characteristics; and · A novel low energy polymerisation process to produce an engineered brick with variable properties depending on the intended use. Compressive Strengths that could be achieved exceed those of conventional Portland cement concrete.The engineered brick is characterised by a negative carbon footprint, and is manufactured from renewable and recycled feedstock.


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