OASPA welcomes new member QScience.com

25 July 2011

Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals (BQFJ) today announced that it is now a member of Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association, (OASPA). OASPA’s mission is to represent the interests of Open Access (OA) journal and book publishers globally in all scientific, technical and scholarly disciplines. This mission is carried out through exchanging information, setting standards, advancing models, advocacy, education, and the promotion of innovation.

OASPA President, Caroline Sutton stated, “On behalf of the Board I am delighted to welcome Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals (BQFJ) as a member of OASPA.  BQFJ publishes a multi-disciplinary portfolio of open access journals titles through the QScience.com site, all of which meet the OASPA membership criteria. We look forward to BQFJ’s engagement with our work and in the exchange of knowledge amongst our members.”

Arend Kuster, Managing Director of BQFJ said: “We support OASPA’s mission to share experiences and best practice for open access publishing. We are delighted to be able to join its community and take an active part in developing policies and technologies which we believe is important to open access publishing. We are excited to be a part
of this growing open interactive community and support researchers in disseminating research freely, widely and without barriers.”

QScience.com provides immediate worldwide free access to the full text of its peer reviewed research articles and offers the Gold road open access to all its journal articles.

In keeping with their role as a fully open access publisher, QScience.com is committed to the widest possible dissemination of research outputs. Christopher Leonard, Editorial Director at BQFJ said: “Our own publishing operation is one of the most open access of all publishers. We offer Gold road open access which means that the articles are immediately and permanently available online, in an easily readable format and archived wherever possible in internationally-recognized open access repositories.”

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