6 - Al-Bayan University Scientific Conference
  • ISSN: 1999-7086
  • EISSN: 1999-7094


Traditional teaching methods of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) are not effective for most learners today. They may lead to lack of retention of survival skills and poor outcomes. Various methods are adopted to provide optimal, effective, and attractive teaching methods. Application (app)-based teaching can be used as an alternative way for learners to develop their knowledge and skills. Despite the large number of professional and nonprofessional trainee members, the high quality of CPR is still not fulfilled. Technology-based learning can prove to be an effective way to teach medical subjects such as pediatric cardiac resuscitation, which require an optimal teaching environment.

This study aims to develop nurses’ knowledge of pediatric CPR through the use of a designed interactive mobile app in simple steps in Arabic.

The study adopted a quasi-experimental, pretest, and posttest design with a control group. A valid multiple-choice questionnaire was used to evaluate nurses’ knowledge. Nurses working in pediatric intensive care settings were invited to the study. Data were analyzed using the SPSS program.

There was a significant shift in knowledge score in the posttest compared to the pretest in the study group, while the control group remained on a steady curve throughout the tests.

Interactive, technology-based learning is an effective way to learn today. The designed app improves knowledge when it is both conscious and interactive.


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