oa Hematological manifestation of human brucellosis
- Source: Qatar Medical Journal, Volume 1998, Issue 2, Nov 1998, 15
- 01 November 2014
Objectives and methods: In Jordan no data have been reported on the frequency and diversity of hematological abnormalities occurring in brucellosis in adults. In order to determine the hematological changes during the active course of the disease, 217 adult patients, (ages ranging from l4 to 75 years; mean 28.7 years) were studied Prospectively at the Jordan University Hospital during the Period 1987-1996. Two hundred and eleven patients who had a clinical picture suggestive of human brucellosis were admitted to the hospital for investigations.
Results: From 175 cases proved to have brucellosis, anemia was detected in 76 (43.4%) patients; leukopenia in (15.4%)patients; lymphocytosis in 87 (49.7%) patients and lymphopenia in 27 (15.4%)patients. Thrombocytopenia
was found in 13 (7.4 %) and pancytopenia inl2 (6.9 %) Patients. Patients with a brucella antibody titre (1280 were found to be more likely to develop bone marrow granulomata. Hypersplenism and hemophagocytosis appeared to play a role in producing these abnormalities of the peripheral blood. There was no significant relation between bone marrow granuloma and the above hematological abnormalities.
Conclusion: Brucellosis may be included in the differential diagnosis of patients presenting with anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia and pancytopenia especially in areas such as Jordan where the disease is endemic.