Volume 2020, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 0253-8253
  • EISSN: 2227-0426


A single organ and tissue donor can serve and save eight-fold lives, but availability of organ donors is scarce, posing a grim situation for end-stage organ failure worldwide. Knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs toward organ donation can help policymakers develop strategies to address the challenges facing organ donation and transplantation in Qatar. To assess sociodemographic characteristics, knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and intentions regarding organ donation in the household population of Qatar. A prospective observational household survey was conducted between October and November 2016 in Qatar using a validated questionnaire. One thousand forty-four individuals aged 18 and older residing in eight municipalities in the country were enrolled in the survey. Average age was 38 ± 11 years. There were 27.4% Qatari citizens and 72.6% nonQatari residents in the survey. 48.9% of the total (1044) were males. Knowledge [46% (95% C.I.: 45% − 47%)], attitude [70% (95% C.I.: 66%–74%)], behavioral beliefs [42% (95% C.I.: 39%–50%)], normative beliefs [29% (95% C.I.: 28%–30%)], control beliefs [–27% (95% C.I.: − 24% to − 30%)] and intentions towards organ donation [29% (95% C.I.: 27%–31%)] were observed in the study. Factor analyses were able to explain 70%, 72%, 70%, and 74% variations in knowledge, attitude, beliefs, and intentions domains respectively showing adequacy of construct of the domains for organ donation. Most of the survey participants showed good attitude but less intention towards organ donation.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): attitudehousehold surveyintentionsOrgan donation and transplantation
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