Volume 2022, Issue 3
  • ISSN: 0253-8253
  • EISSN: 2227-0426


Background: Pregnancy affects a woman's susceptibility to and severity of certain infectious diseases. Central neuraxial block for analgesia during labor is superior to nonneuraxial methods in efficacy, safety, and maternal satisfaction. Although Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) can be vertically transmitted from mother to fetus, little is known about the effects of COVID-19 on pregnant women or about anesthesia management and the risk of adverse effects related to neuraxial techniques in women with untreated COVID-19 during gestation.

Aim: This investigation assesses the effects of neuraxial analgesia during labor of COVID-19-positive parturients on their hemodynamic stability.

Results: The study was conducted on 64 patients and involved 32 parturients positive for SARS-CoV-2 by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and a similar number of control “negative” patients. The affected group had an uneventful course during gestation. Seven were positive for ground-glass opacities on chest X-rays, and none underwent computed tomography (CT) scans. Two neonates were PCR-positive for SARS-CoV-2, and all 32 neonates were released from the hospital. No clinical differences were observed between the neonates in the COVID-19 and control groups. Although parturients in both groups were hemodynamically stable, hemodynamic stability was subnormal in the COVID-19 group regarding blood pressure, oxygen saturation, heart rate, and body temperature. None of the women in either group required a vasopressor or oxygen supplementation during delivery. No other clinical differences were observed between the COVID-19 and control groups.

Conclusion: This is the first case-controlled study testing the anesthetic implications of neuraxial labor analgesia in pregnant, COVID-19-positive women. Although management of neuraxial labor analgesia did not differ in pregnant women positive and negative for COVID-19, their hemodynamic characteristics differed significantly. Therefore, care is required to prevent adverse outcomes in pregnant women positive for COVID-19.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): CoronavirusesCOVID-19Neuraxial labor analgesiaNormal delivery and Pregnancy
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