Volume 2021, Issue 1
  • EISSN: 2220-2749


The COVID-19 pandemic has devastated people and countries around the world. It has affected every aspect of human life. Despite the discovery of vaccines and widespread immunization drive which is a minor consolation, the consequences of it are likely to prevail for extended periods of time. This study explored the psychological impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic within the United Arab Emirates (UAE). An online survey was carried out among a sample of 78 expatriate residents. While most of the respondents recognized and highly valued the measures taken by the UAE government to support and deal with the pandemic, intense stress and uncertainty was reported. It was found that the Asian community was more anxious concerning the negative consequences of the pandemic than Arab or W stern residents. The worry among older people was also found to be more intense. Anxiety over health consequences, fear of job loss, and constraints for international travels were the most overwhelming concerns. The difficulties that the coronavirus has presented continue to devastate the psychological wellbeing of individuals even where an adequate governmental system for prevention and controlling the pandemic is in place.


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