Volume 2023, Issue 1
  • EISSN: 2309-3927


This paper provides an analysis of three focus group discussions (FGDs) held in Morocco, Jordan, and Oman, with a specific focus on the importance of fathers' involvement in the programs. Data is based on the 2021 Doha International Family Institute study entitled “Parenting Programs in the Arab Region” conducted by the Ibn Khaldun Center for Research and Studies, Jordan. It begins with the information currently accessible based on assessing pertinent literature on parenting education programs. Members participated in the FGDs to explore their experiences with parenting programs and how those programs affected their parenting knowledge and skills. All three focus group sessions were only attended by women, reinforcing the perception of traditional gender roles and obligations. The paper concludes with recommendations toward the promotion of fathers’ involvement in programs, such as enacting paternity and parental laws, involving religious clerics that can advocate for the importance of father involvement during Friday prayers.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): father inclusionparental supportparenting and parenting education programs
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