Volume 2023, Issue 1
  • E-ISSN: 2309-3927


This article has been retracted due to disputed authorship. A retraction notice to this article was published on 12 March 2024. Please refer to the retraction notice DOI: https://doi.org/10.5339/difi.2024.retraction.11

Qatar is witnessing demographic changes, which are leading to an increase in the number of elderly people. This will put more burden on the families and increase their responsibility to take care of the old people. The aim of the research is to investigate the consequences of caring for elderly people and explore the stresses and joys of caregiving. The results of this article are derived from a qualitative descriptive study conducted in 2016. This article shows that the main source of stress for the caregivers is the absence of formal supportive policies that would help them in the caregiving process. Addressing this omission would help to alleviate some of the issues related to caregiving. The results show that stresses have caused burdens, including feeling of guilt, sadness, frustration, isolation, and loneliness. Coping strategies and the positives of caregiving included withdrawal, surrender, engaging in activity, and meditation. Despite the stresses and burdens of caregiving, caregivers found joy and positive impact from taking care of their elderly family members, but a gap in formal support needs to be filled.


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  • نوع المستند: Research Article
الموضوعات الرئيسية burdencaregiverscopeelderly peoplefamilypositives and stress
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