Volume 2024, Issue 1
  • E-ISSN: 2309-3927


In the Middle East and North Africa region, including Palestine, the current teaching reforming trend toward international accountability and standards adoption is grounded by economic globalization. The Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MoEHE) in Palestine has been committed to attaining such a movement. With the aim of qualifying teachers, the national “Teacher Education Strategy” (TES) has been launched. This study examines the TES implementation process in Palestine. The implementation research is a critical aspect in analyzing the rationality, dynamism, and complexity of policy processes. Based on the case study methodology and utilization of a multi-disciplinary framework, the researcher gathered and comprehended the data. Zoom interviews and document analysis were applied for data collection. Moreover, the developed analytic model enabled the researcher to delve into the implementation process by examining aspects such as communication enforcement, delivery structure, policy objectives, roles and disposition of implementers, and socio-economic and political factors. However, a collective effort to reform teacher education has been hindered by several factors. Neoliberal policies and external influences, alongside political and economic restrictions, as well as the centralized and vertical structure of the MoEHE, have complicated Palestinians’ vision for decentralization in education. These challenges have impeded the development of a modern education system. Despite the many accomplishments, the core element of TES objectives has not been achieved yet. For authentic implementation, this research argues for an interaction of global and local discourses to achieve a higher consistency between the implementation goals and outcomes. It recommends a multiple-case design and comparative future studies.


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