2 - International Conference in Emergency Medicine and Public Health-Qatar Proceedings
  • ISSN: 1999-7086
  • EISSN: 1999-7094


The Syrian civil war since 2011 is one of the most complex humanitarian emergencies in history. This protracted disaster has but negative aspects, especially on living, educational and health care infrastructure and services. The goal of this study is to document the impact of four years of war on Syrian children's social, educational and health status.

A cross sectional observational study was conducted in May 2015. Health care workers, especially trained for this study, visited home by home in four Syrian governorates with a prospectively designed questionnaire.

Of 1080 filled-out questionnaires, 1001 were complete and included in this study. Most lived in the Aleppo governorate (n = 413; 41%), 359 in Idleb (36%), 147 in Hamah (15%) and 82 in Lattakia (8%). Median age was 6 years (IQR; 0-15), most were male (n = 611; 61%). Almost 20% of all children were Internally Displaced Persons (n = 196), 45 lost their father (5%) and 41 (4%) had their father missing, 19 (2%) lost their mother and of 27 (3%) the mother was missing. Of all, 855 (86%) had access to safe drinking water, and 775 (77%) could access appropriate sanitation. About 16% (n = 156) had interrupted access to nutrition. Almost 27% suffered from diseases related to malnutrition. Access to specific health care providers was disturbed in 64% (n = 646), and only 28% had an updated vaccination status. Of all school-aged children, 450 (51%) had no access to education at the time of the study. Most children suffered from respiratory (29%), neurological (19%) or digestive (17%) diseases, 4% was victim of injury or violence, and 2% suffered from mental problems.

After four years of civil war in Syria, children have lost parents, live in substandard life quality circumstances, and are at risk for outbreaks because of worsening vaccination status and specific healthcare provider attention.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
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