Volume 2021, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 1999-7086
  • EISSN: 1999-7094


: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has had a massive impact worldwide. Clinical symptoms vary in different countries. In addition, a wide range of symptoms involve most of the body systems including the respiratory system. However, COVID-19 has no classical presenting signs. : This study aimed to describe the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of hospitalized and nonhospitalized COVID-19 patients in Anbar Governorate, Iraq. : This retrospective study was conducted in Anbar Governorate, Iraq. The study covered the period from May 1 to June 30, 2020. All cases were confirmed by real-time polymerase chain reaction. Data concerning the age, gender, residence, occupation, clinical symptoms, smoking, history of systemic diseases, and disease fate were collected from patients’ records. Of 481 patients, 259 (53.8%) were male. The patient age ranged from 12 to 104 years with a mean age of 45.7 ± 16.11. Majority of the patients aged 36–58 years (n = 204, 42.4%) and were urban dwellers (n = 318, 66.1%), non-healthcare workers (n = 447, 92.9%), and nonsmokers (n = 440, 91.5%). The chief complaint was fever (n = 300, 64.2%). The mortality rate was 5.6% (n = 27). The increasing age, male gender, and a history of systemic illnesses showed an increased effect on the mortality rate ( < 0.05). Residence, occupation, and smoking status did not show significant difference (>0.05). The mortality rate was 5.6%. Fever was the main feature of COVID-19. Male, older individuals with systemic diseases showed higher mortality rate.


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