Volume 2024, Issue 4
  • ISSN: 1999-7086
  • E-ISSN: 1999-7094


Difficult mask ventilation occurs due to the inability to form a seal between the patient’s face and the mask. The NuMask® is an intraoral mask with a flange that forms a seal against the buccal gum line. We aimed to compare the intraoral mask and conventional face mask for ventilation of the lungs of patients under general anesthesia.

This randomized crossover study was conducted on 40 adults who were not anticipated to be difficult to mask ventilate. In Group CI, mask ventilation was done using a conventional face mask for 1 min and then an intraoral mask for 1 min. In Group IC, mask ventilation was done using an intraoral mask first and then a conventional face mask. An anesthesia ventilator was used to deliver pressure-controlled ventilation with a target pressure of 15 cm H2 and a respiratory rate of 10 bpm during mask ventilation. The primary outcome was expired minute volume obtained using both devices.

The expired minute volume using conventional face mask was 6328 ± 2509 mL in Group CI (Conventional Intraoral) and 6289 ± 1735 mL in Group IC (Intraoral Conventional) ( = 0.954). The expired minute volume using intraoral mask was 6154 ± 1905 mL in Group CI and 6501 ± 2013 mL in Group IC ( = 0.578). Overall, expired minute volume was comparable using conventional face mask and intraoral mask, i.e., 6308 ± 2129 and 6328 ± 1942 mL, respectively ( = 0.93). The end-tidal carbon dioxide during mask ventilation was also similar ( = 0.107). There was no trauma to face, lips, gums, or teeth in any patient.

Both conventional face mask and intraoral mask were comparable for the ventilation of the lungs of patients without anticipated difficult mask ventilation under general anesthesia.


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  • نوع المستند: Research Article
الموضوعات الرئيسية anesthesiaconventional face maskintraoral mask and mask ventilation

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