Volume 2024, Issue 7
  • ISSN: 1999-7086
  • E-ISSN: 1999-7094


Currently, surgery in children is optimally managed using a multimodal approach aimed at reducing opioid use. Some studies suggest that epidural anesthesia is the gold standard, but it still has limitations due to its short duration with a single injection. Therefore, the latest approach is continuous caudal anesthesia. However, there are currently no systematic review studies on this approach. This research will focus on the administration method and outcomes of continuous caudal anesthesia in children undergoing surgery. We conducted a literature search to compare the effects of continuous caudal anesthesia in pediatric patients based on the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis) from 2014 to 2024. Data extracted from the studies included study type, sample size, type of surgery, body weight, age, intervention, initial dose, maintenance dose, catheter location, rescue anesthesia, induction time, postoperative pain assessment, and complications. The risk of bias was assessed using the cross-sectional/prevalence study quality scale. This study included five research studies with a total sample of 142 patients. Different types of surgery and analgesia were used in these studies. All of the studies showed improvement in pain after surgery. Complications such as difficulty breathing, transient unilateral motor weakness, dural tap, bleeding into the tap, and catheter leakage were more commonly related to anesthesia technique and dosage. The continuous caudal epidural approach can be considered a standard anesthesia technique, particularly in children undergoing specific thoracic and abdominal surgeries.


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الموضوعات الرئيسية continuous caudal analgesianeonatesnon-opioid analgesia and pediatrics

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