8 - The 3rd Mustansiriyah International Dental Conference
  • ISSN: 1999-7086
  • E-ISSN: 1999-7094


Providing the patient with an evidence-based overview of the orthodontic therapy risks is a crucial part of clinical practice. This is necessary for obtaining valid consent, facilitating collaborative decision-making, and providing person-centered care. This study aimed to assess the orthodontist’s agreement on patients’ alertness about certain orthodontic treatment risks as part of the consent form.

This online survey of Iraqi orthodontists ran from May to September 2020. A custom questionnaire was created using Google Forms and distributed within a Telegram group for the Iraqi Orthodontists Society.

According to the survey, orthodontists concurred that patients should be informed about six hazards before providing consent: oral hygiene status (99%), patients’ poor compliance (99%), relapse risks (95.3%), and the need to modify eating habits to prevent appliance breakage (93.4%). The main controversies were found in regards to the importance of root resorption, incisor trauma, canine impaction complications, achieving desired tooth movements, ceramic brackets, and soft tissue injuries.

There are certain inherent risks that Iraqi orthodontists may overlook or undervalue, so greater emphasis is needed to raise awareness of them, likely through repeated programs of continuous education.


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الموضوعات الرئيسية orthodontic hazardsrelapse and root resorption

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