2 - Unified National Conference of Iraqi Dental Colleges (UNCIDC)
  • ISSN: 1999-7086
  • E-ISSN: 1999-7094


Dental caries in children is termed as early childhood caries. Early childhood caries (ECC) is an important dental health problem, particularly in people who are poor in society. Additionally, Saliva is very crucial for the development of caries and for preventing it. Antimicrobial peptides are a large group of peptides which protect the mucous membranes of the mouth cavity and various other places and have various roles affect parts of natural response and microbial invasion. Statherin is acidic peptides may also stop microbial organisms such as fungi and bacteria from growing and colonizing that lead to prevent tooth decay specially when Statherin values appeared significant while ß-Defensin-3, a naturally occurring antibacterial. It is consist of from three types (1, 2, and 3), which may reflect the immunological reaction to dental decay.

Eighty healthy looking Kindergartens children with an age from 4-5 years old, in Baghdad city was registered in this research, 40 Kindergartens children with severe type of ECC detected according to Wyne (1999), classify be chosen as study group and 40 Kindergartens children caries free as control group matching age. All studied groups were subjected to oral examination and decayed missing filling (dmfs) was recorded also un-stimulated saliva was collected for the evaluation of salivary Statherin and ß-Defensin-3 by ELISA assay technique.

Statistical analysis revealed that ß-Defensin-3levels was increase significantly in study group (ECC) compared to caries free group while salivary Statherin was significantly increase in the caries free group than study group (ECC) and appositive significant correlation was detected between dmfs and ß-Defensin-3.


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الموضوعات الرئيسية BiomarkersEarly childhoodImmunityStatherin and ß-Defensin-3

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