Proceedings of the 24th World International Traffic Medicine Association Congress, Qatar 2015
  • EISSN: 2223-0440


Transportation of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) Contaminated Waste in QP is carried out in accordance with the Radiation Protection Laws and QP Radiation Protection Standard for NORM Management (QP-STD-S-055). The QP Standard stipulates requirements for ensuring protection of persons and environmental from NORM impact, which is in line with the requirements of the Ministry of Environment (MoE) Resolution No. 45/2013, concerning the management of NORM Waste generated by Oil & Gas Industry in the State of Qatar. In addition, standard provides directions to all QP Operations, Contractors/Sub-Contractors and QP Join Venture companies (JVs) working within QP Premises on-shore and off-shore for identification, handling, transportation, storage and disposal of NORM Waste and related activities. Transportation of the NORM waste is carried out in accordance with the requirements as follows: The radiation level shall not exceed 5 µSv/h at the surface of each container of collected NORM waste. Ends of pipes shall be packed to prevent the spread of contaminated radioactive substances. If the pipes are large enough, such as valves, pumps, packaging shall be for the entire pipe, while taking all necessary precautions to the non-proliferation of pollutants by using of blind flanges. The relatively large quantities of solid pollutants resulting from sediment mud or solid scaly residues shall be transferred in tanks and separation containers. Big decontaminated substances such as substances with low specific radioactivity shall be transported in barrels or tanks according to industrial parcels. No other substances shall be transported in the vehicle transporting substances or equipment contaminated with natural radioactive substances. When transporting NORM waste substances by sea, a suitable container specific for transport shall be used, to ensure no leakage or spillage of pollutants. The licensee, when transporting in any vehicle, shall develop a detailed written transport plan that includes steps to be taken under a state of emergency, and the plan shall be submitted to the Ministry of Environment (MoE). To transfer the components such as valves and non-radioactive pipes, if the surface is contaminated, such as surface polluted objects, the transportation requirements depends on the level of the permanent and non permanent surface contamination emitting of beta and alpha particles. Transportation index shall be designated on each barrel. The choice of the appropriate warning sign to be attached to the barrel is determined by measuring equivalent radiation dose (Micro Sievert/hour) at 1 meter from the surface of the barrel, divided by 10, as well as measuring the equivalent radiation dose on the surface of the barrel directly. To transport the natural radioactive substances or contaminated with these substances, an exclusive-use vehicles shall be used. Boats used to transport substances or contaminated equipment from offshore platforms, shall use standard marked containers. Contaminated substances that cannot be stored in standard containers shall be protected in a controlled manner to ensure no leak or spill of radioactive substances during transport. Before sending the natural radioactive substances, the receiving party shall be notified. Vessel shall be provided with radioactive warning signs, transportation, guide and other specific stickers for transport. QP managed successfully to transport 4 containers (111 drums) of “NORM” from Halul Island to Dukhan HSE Yard No.3, during in October 2014. Part of the process was managed through sea transportation from Halul to Ras Laffan Jetty, and then through land transportation from Ras Laffan to Dukhan. Transportation process was carried out in full compliance with the requirements of Radiation Protection Law No.31 for 2002, Ministerial Decision No. 45 for 2013 regarding NORM Management and Corporate NORM Management Standard QP-STD-S-055. The Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) of the transportation process and transportation date was communicated, discussed and agreed by MoE, 48 hours before transportation date. NORM waste was dispatched to the dedicated Dukhan NORM Storage Yard safely, securely and without any risk for the human and environment, under direct supervision Corporate HSEQ.


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