Proceedings of the 24th World International Traffic Medicine Association Congress, Qatar 2015
  • E-ISSN: 2223-0440


Controlling the speed of vehicles on various roads and streets is crucial in order to maintain the safety of people and to prevent any possibility of injury or death. One technique that is widely used in Qatar to force road users to reduce their vehicles’ speed is the installation of speed humps and tables. In this study, an evaluation of speed humps and tables in selected areas of Qatar was conducted, since they vary in shape and size and many complaints are raised about their inverse effect on driving safety. The aim of this study was to observe the condition of these traffic calming measures in Qatar. The condition of speed humps and tables was investigated by classifying them based on their dimensions, and verifying if they were constructed according to Ashghal’s standards. The following areas were selected for the study: Qatar University, Male Campus (fully covered) and three neighborhoods: Al-Aziziya, Al-Mura and Al-Waab (partially covered). Two parameters were taken into consideration, height and length of both speed humps and tables. Measurements were taken through site visits to each area, recording dimensions of each speed hump and table using measuring tools as well as taking photographic pictures for reference. The results show considerable variation in height and length dimensions of speed humps and tables. By comparing these results with Ashghal’s standards, it was found that for speed humps, few matched the standard specification for height, but almost none matched the standard for length. None of the speed tables met the standard for both height and length dimensions. The study concludes most of the speed humps and tables in the areas covered in the study do not meet Ashghal’s standard specification for height and length dimensions and re-construction according to standards is recommended.


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  • نوع المستند: Research Article

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