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QScience Connect - Issue 1
Issue 1
The impact of job satisfaction on nurses’ work lives: A literature review
المؤلفون: Aisha Hamad Al-Qahtani, Bridget Stirling and Daniel ForgraveABSTRACTMany outcomes in nurses’ work lives are influenced by their job satisfaction. Background: One of the tools that measures nurses’ job satisfaction is the McCloskey/Mueller Job Satisfaction tool. Several databases were accessed to identify studies published after 2002 that measured nurses’ job satisfaction using the McCloskey/Mueller Job Satisfaction tool and identified an outcome related to work lives of nurses. Aim: The aim of this literature review was to explore the relationship between job satisfaction and outcomes related to nurses’ work lives. Methodology: The framework developed by Cronin, Ryan, and Coughlan was used for this review. Articles included in this review met the following criteria: studies that used the MMSS (McCloskey/Mueller Nurse Job Satisfaction Scale) tool, articles that were written in English, studies that focused on nurses and outcomes related to nurses’ work lives, and articles that were published in peer-reviewed journals. The exclusion criteria included articles that were not from original research, articles that were written before 2002, gray literature, and studies that did not have ethical approval. The Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Tool was used to appraise each article’s quality. Results: Eighteen articles were chosen for inclusion in this review. Nurses’ job satisfaction had several key impacts on nurses’ work lives. Five themes that reflected the outcomes of nurses’ job satisfaction were identified: commitment to the workplace, workplace environment, emotional status, career ladder, and accountability. Conclusions: The findings show that workplace commitment, workplace environment, emotional status, career ladder, and accountability contribute to nurses’ job satisfaction. These factors need to be taken into account in developing interventions to increase nurses’ job satisfaction and their work output.
إشكالية تحويل الجنس في القانون القطري والقانون المقارن
المؤلفون: ريمه صالح المانع, جابر محجوب علي محجوب and طارق جمعه السيد راشدملخص: 1
هذا البحث يلقي الضوء على إشكالية بدأت منذ زمن بعيد إلا أنها أصبحت في وقتنا الحالي تنتشر، فالله سبحانه وتعالى خلق الإنسان وجعل منه «الذكر والأنثى». فكانت خطيئة الإنسان أن يحاول تغيير خلق الله سبحانه وتعالى، فمع تطور العلم أصبح المجتمع في تطور، ولكن التطور سلاح ذو حدين. اذ ان مع هذا التطور ولدت فئة شذت عن القاعدة تنقسم لطائفتين: فئة مصابة بمرض عضوي اسمه «الخنوثة». وفئة لا تعاني من أي علة خلقية، ولكن علتها الوحيدة هي ذهنها، تعتقد أنها تنتمي للجنس الآخر، فتقدم هذه الفئة الى إجراء عمليات لتحويل جنسها من ذكر إلى أنثى والعكس.
الموضوع له أهمية كبيرة من الناحية العملية والنظرية:
الأهمية العملية: تكمن في أن هذه الفئات تجري عمليات خارج الدولة لتحويل جنسها ثم تقوم بالرجوع وتطالب الدولة بتعديل بياناتها وإن رفضت لجأت للقضاء، بالتالي يجعل هذه الفئة في وضع قانوني غير واضح في الدولة. الأهمية النظرية: تكمن في أنه لا يوجد تشريع نظم هذه المسألة تنظيمًا متكاملًا سواء في قطر أو في الدول العربية، على عكس التوجه الغربي الذي تعرض للمسألة ونظمها، مما جعل المسألة مُتجاهَلة بالرغم من النتائج الخطيرة التي تترتب عليها.
تقسيم الموضوع: هذا البحث ألقى الضوء على مسألة تحويل الجنس من الناحية القانونية، وذلك بالوقوف على موقف الدول الغربية بشكل عام والعربية بشكل خاص من تحويل الجنس بشقيه، مع التركيز على التوجه العربي لاختلاف المرجع القانوني والثقافي بين المجتمعات الغربية والعربية، لذلك لم يتم إهمال موقف الدول الغربية ولكن التركيز الأكبر كان على القوانين أو التشريعات العربية التي شملت: دولة مصر، لبنان، العراق، الإمارات، الكويت، وبالتأكيد قطر.
النتائج: تحويل الجنس ينقسم إلى تصحيح الجنس وذلك عندما يكون الشخص مصاب بعيب خلقي يستدعي إجراء عملية للوقوف على حقيقته الجنسية. والشريعة الإسلامية تبيح هذا التحول فهو تصحيح وليس تغييرًا. بينما التغيير هو أن يقدم شخص كامل الذكورة أو الأنوثة إلى إجراء عملية تشويهية ليتشكل في شكل الجنس الاخر معتقدًا بأنه غير خلقته، وغالبًا ما يقدم على ذلك المصابين بمرض نفسي «اضطراب الهوية الجنسية»، والشريعة الإسلامية حرمت هذا النوع من العمليات؛ بالتالي يكون تغيير الجنس غير جائز شرعًا لما فيه من تشويه وتغيير لخلق الله تعالى، وهذا ما سارت عليه التطبيقات القضائية العربية. وأما بالنسبة لموقف المشرع القطري فقد امتنع عن تنظيم المسألة من الناحية القانونية بالتالي كان موقفه مشابهًا لموقف أغلب الدول العربية.
التوصيات: ضرورة تنظيم المسألة تشريعيًا. علاج المصابين باضطراب الهوية الجنسية في المصحات النفسية. توعية المجتمع بمفهوم الخنوثة العضوية ومرض اضطراب الهوية الجنسية.
لذلك كان لا بد من دراسة الموضوع على أمل أن يكون هذا البحث نواة لتشريع مستقبلي أو تنظيم خاص.
This research sheds some light on a phenomenon, which has started to spread at present times, God created humankind to be “male and female.”Then it is humankind's sin changing Allah's creation. With the development of science, society is developing, but development is a double-edged sword. It has facilitated life but made it easy to deviate from the ordinary, instinct, and Islamic Sharia law.
As a result, the phenomenon of changing sex has emerged. This is divided into two categories: 1) those who are infected with organic condition or illness, (called Hermaphroditism or Intersex); 2) those who do not have any illness but believe that they do not belong to their original gender (called Gender Dysphoria or Gender Identity Disorder). These two groups have operations to turn their gender to the opposite sex.
This issue is of great importance from a practical and theoretical standpoint. The practical standpoint: These groups have transgender operations abroad, upon returning to their countries, they demand the authorities to amend their data to reflect their new gender, and if their request is rejected, they resort to the courts. Thus making their legal status not clear.
The theoretical standpoint: There is no actual legislation regulating this matter in an integrated way, whether in Qatar or in the Arab countries. This led to ignoring the issue despite the serious consequences it entails. In contrast to this, other Western countries examined this issue and have legislated it,
This research shades some light on the issue of transgender from a legal perspective, by showing the legal approach of some countries in general and Arab countries in particular. However, this study focuses more on the Arab countries due to having significant differences from Western societies in history, culture, and law. The greatest focus is on Arab laws or legislation of: Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq, UAE, Kuwait, and certainly Qatar.
Results: the transformation of sex is divided into: 1(correction of sex due to a birth defect, which necessitates the operation to correct the sex and not a change which Islam permits; 2) change when a person is fully male or female but chooses a mutilation process to transform into the opposite sex, with the delusion that he/she has transformed completely, thus who conducts such an act often has mental illness called “gender identity disorder,” and Islam prohibits this type of operation. The latter case of sex change is not permissible in Islam because it distorts and change the creation of Allah, and this is the path Arab courts have followed As for the perspective of the Qatari legislator, it refrained from arranging the issue legally, similar to most Arab countries.
Recommendations: The necessity of organizing the matter in a legislative manner, treatment of persons with sexual identity disorder in psychological clinics, community awareness of the concept of organic hermaphroditism or intersex and the sexual identity disorder disease.
This study is hoped to be the nucleus of future legislation or any other special approach.
Intra-cultivar variability at microsatellite loci in date palm cultivars across the GCC countries
In this study, we characterized 30 date palm trees of Khalas cultivar from the GCC countries, along with seven male trees from Qatar, using 14 microsatellite loci. The results showed that the microsatellites [(GA)n] in the date palm cultivar Khalas varied considerably in allele size (range = 120–322 bp, mean = 189.78), which revealed a high degree of gene diversity (range = 0.66–0.85, mean = 0.75) and distinguished all the individual Khalas trees within and among the GCC countries. The extent of polymorphism microsatellite loci was dependent on individual loci itself, which was positively correlated with the number of repeats at the corresponding microsatellite loci. The estimates of the skewness and kurtosis of the allelic distributions showed that none of the distribution of 14 microsatellite loci was considered normal (skewness = 0, kurtosis = 3), which suggested that the shape of the allelic distribution of these loci varied by chance. In the majority of the cases, the microsatellite allele size of the most frequent allele (mode) was very close to the median ( ± 2 bp or ± (GA)1), which indicated that the most frequent allele was the ancestral allele. Nearly half of the allelic distributions of the 14 microsatellite loci were positively skewed and the other half was negatively skewed, which indicated that the alleles evolved respectively by gaining and losing of (GA)n repeats from the ancestral allele, resulting in intra-cultivar variability in Khalas cultivar over the generations. Based on this analysis, we conclude that the Khalas variety did not evolve independently at multiple origins, but rather it evolved from a single origin and, subsequently, the clones were distributed across the GCC countries. The accumulated mutations of these clones over time resulted in drastic changes among them at the microsatellite loci.
الدَّوْرُ التَّشْرِيعِيُّ للسُّلْطَةِ التَّنفِيذِيَّةِ فِي ظِلِّ الدُّسْتُورِ القَطَرِيّ- دِرَاسَة مُقَارنَة
المؤلفون: آمنه محمد الخاطر and مهند مختار نوحملخص
شهدت النُّظُم السِّيَاسِيَّة الحديثة تراجعًا كبيرًا لدور البرلمان، مما أدى إلى هيمنة السُّلْطَة التَّنفِيذِيَّة وتدخلها في المجال التَّشْرِيعِيّ، فتقوم هذه الرسالة على توضيح الدَّوْر المهم للسُّلْطَة التَّنفِيذِيَّة في العَمَلِيَّة التَّشْرِيعِيَّة من خلال تحديد المجال والأدوات التَّشْرِيعِيَّة المحجوزة للقَانُون واللَّوَائِح في دولة قطر وجُمْهُورِيَّة فرنسا وجُمْهُورِيَّة مصر العَرَبِيَّة. كما عملت على تحديد السُّلطَات المختصة التي تمارس العَمَلِيَّة التَّشْرِيعِيَّة على سلم السُّلْطَة التَّنفِيذِيَّة وفقًا لدستور كل دولة من الدول محل المقارنة وقَوَانِينها.
The modern political systems have seen a significant retreat in the role of parliament, which led to the dominance of the executive power and its interference in the legislative domain. This research clarifies the important role of the executive power in the legislative scope and tools, reserved for law and regulations, in Qatar, France and Egypt. Moreover, it identifies the competent authorities that are practicing the legislative process in the executive power in accordance with the constitution and laws of each of these comparative countries.
Real-time air pollution (PM2.5) measurements in Education City, Doha, Qatar: Evaluating data from two different photometric monitors
المؤلفون: Kevin Zhai, Mohammad Bhatti, Omar Khalil, Laila Khalil, Moza Al-Hail and Mohammad S YousefBackground: Given the health hazards posed by particulate matter 2.5 (PM2.5), the need exists for simple, cost-effective, and real-time methods to monitor air quality with high spatio-temporal resolution. Direct-reading photometric detection is one modality of real-time PM2.5 monitoring. However, photometric data often require post hoc correction factors specific to individual manufacturers, meteorological conditions, and particle sizes and compositions. Methods: We methodically compared and evaluated PM2.5 concentration values collected by two different photometric monitors (TSI Environmental Monitor 8540 and MetOne ES-642) in Education City, Doha, Qatar. We analyzed the data collected by the two monitors in two different locations in September and December 2019, and side-by-side for two weeks in February 2020. Correlation and linear regression analyses were conducted to determine correction factors between the two monitors. Results and Discussion: The results indicate that both monitors reported almost identical trends in PM2.5 concentration, while the TSI monitor exaggerated the values by approximately twofold. When correlation-based corrections were applied, data from the two monitors matched almost perfectly for all comparison periods. As correction factors between PM2.5 sensors may vary based on in situ conditions, calibration must therefore be conducted on a case-by-case basis. However, our methodologies could constitute a template for future development of cross-calibration strategies. In addition, we determined average PM2.5 concentrations in Education City for each study period. These values were lower than those previously reported for other locations in Qatar during similar seasons. Conclusions: Our findings emphasize the relevance of the microenvironment when assessing PM2.5 levels for public health purposes. This investigation is expected to support and inform air quality management and mitigation strategies.