Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption Center Journal

Editorial Board

Editor in chief
H.E. Dr. Ali Bin Fetias Al-Marri
Chairman of the board of trustee of the Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption Centre, UN special advocate for anti-corruption, Qatar

Associate Editor in Chief
Professor Francois Amale
Sorbonne Law School, Attorney at Law, France

Managing Editor
Dr. Bahaaeddin M.S. Khwaira
Assistant Professor, College of Law, Lusail University, Qatar

Board Members
Hon. Judge Micheal Mukasey
Former Judge and Former U.S Attorney General

H.E. Mr. Sidiki Kaba
The Keeper of the seals and the Minister of Justice, Senegal 

Professor Clinton W Francis
Dean of College of Law and Public Policy, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar

Sir William Blair
Professor, Centre for Commercial Law Studies, UK

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