
The study has revealed the pattern and trends of motor traffic accidents in Kuwait City from 2010 to 2011. It shows that the accident occurrence was increasing every year, passengers and pedestrians are always at highest risk of being injured or killed on the road, young males are highly prone to motor traffic accidents. The study has also identified qualitatively (by interviews) that the technical element of the highway construction, irresponsibility, poor management, cell phones, alcohol and drugs, age of the victims and poor condition of services as the important risk factors associating to the cause of traffic accidents in Kuwait. In order to reduce traffic accidents in Kuwait City, it is recommended that the government should review legislation regarding employment of drivers. Working conditions of police force should be improved, public road safety campaigns should be conducted, and new driving license system should be imposed. The use of cell phones while driving should be restricted. The hospital and police record keeping should be strengthened, the hospital staff, traffic police and ambulance personnel should be considered for intensive training on emergency and preparedness, and regular vehicle inspection should be introduced in Kuwait City.


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