
There exist many different ways of teaching applied courses in undergraduate level program. Project centric teaching methodology involves teaching a course to the students by implementing the theoretical concepts in a project. This very idea of project centric approach seems very interesting and promising. However, our more than ten years of teaching experience reveals that most of the students tend to complete their projects towards the end of the semester. Generally, the students are registered in four to six courses in a semester in a regular undergraduate semester. Therefore, they tend to work on projects of all these courses simultaneously, but unfortunately at the end of the semester. This general trend of students invites us to customize and enrich the project centric approach in such a way that should attract students to work on the project regularly throughout the semester. To this end, we have proposed a customized version of project centric teaching while blending it with gamification concepts. The initial results of our study reveal positive changes in the response of the students.


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