

Investigating the impact of the core curriculum on the performance of universities’ graduates worldwide has become a vital trend in determining their institutional effectiveness in providing societies with multi skilful, knowledgeable, and well rounded individuals. In line with this trend, this research attempted to study the role of Qatar University Core Curriculum Program on improving students’ academic achievement, enhancing their career opportunities, and fulfilling Qatar national needs.

The mixed methods research approach was adopted for the purposes of this research. This approach integrates both quantitative and qualitative methods to provide comprehensive understanding and analysis of the variables examined. In addition, a wide variety of direct and indirect data collection methods were utilized such as surveys, tests, rubrics, focus groups, nominal group technique, benchmarking, and content analysis. A targeted sample of different stake holders inside and outside Qatar University was selected. This covered senior and junior students, alumni, faculty, and marketplace employers.

The results indicate that the Core Curriculum has a positive impact on the students’ academic achievement as seen by students, alumni and employers. Also, the results show that employers have positive opinions related to the graduates’ skills, knowledge and depositions. Moreover, the results clearly illustrate that the program is fulfilling 90% of the identified needs. The use of the triangulation analysis has confirmed that the overall results obtained are complementing, and confirming each other. One of the major outputs of this research was the design and validation of the core curriculum program assessment model. In the mean time, to ensure high quality core education, actionable recommendations for continuous improvements for the Core Program at Qatar University were presented.

It is believed that the results of the research will not only add to the human knowledge but also to the international recognition of Qatar since the research is related to what Qatar and other countries worldwide are seeking when it comes to building information-based communities, knowledge based-societies and economy. Moreover, this research endeavor will contribute to meeting the majority of the societal needs that have been emphasized by the Qatar Vision 2030.


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