

Immigration in the Southeast Asian region took place many decades ago when no official boundaries existed and crossborder migration was not a known issue. Chinese labourers were sent into Malaysia and Thailand to work as waged workers in the mining industry and on the construction of water and land transportation routes in 19th Century. Indonesian workers were also employed in the rubber plantation in Malaysia.

At the end of the 20th Century, new waves of immigrant workers from Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos came to be labourers in Thailand. Countries like the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand also sent their nationals to work overseas, making Southeast Asia one of the highest human mobility hubs in the world. Immigration regimes in the region have emerged within such context.

Focusing on the impacts, costs and issues of immigration with special reference to the family will be the theme of this paper. I will discuss the various impacts of immigration on both sending and receiving countries as well as address the related issues.


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