

In this paper we explore the outcomes of a mobile community of practice (MOBCOP) reified in the development of a mobile social media framework that we have implemented in the creation of a new mobile social media minor within the faculty. The domain of the MOBCOP was a year-long investigation of the potential for mobile social media to act as a catalyst for new pedagogies. The context of MOBCOP was an invited group of Bachelor of Graphics Design lecturers interested in investigating the implications of mobile social media for collaborative curriculum design. MOBCOP comprised six lecturers and an academic advisor as a technology steward. We argue that the resultant mobile social media framework developed from the MOBCOP experience is potentially transferable to a range of educational contexts. We illustrate the implementation of our mobile social media framework within the development of a new media minor that explicitly integrates the unique technical and pedagogical affordances of mobile social media, with a focus upon student-generated content and student-directed learning (heutagogy).

الموضوعات الرئيسية Collaborative curriculum design ; Communities of practice ; Heutagogy

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