
Long-term thinking is a difficult task that must be undertaken to challenge ourselves to imagine future research, educational and developmental needs. It is difficult but extremely important to imagine the environment for university students and faculty yet to be born, and to think outside the constraints of next year's syllabus or next week's committee meeting. This approach provides us the freedom to think beyond the burdens of problems and challenges knocking the door.

Scanning the future environment, studying the characteristics of the leading comprehensive universities, gathering the opinion of stakeholders and the experience of peers will help to develop and adopt for unpredicted future. This paper focuses on scanning the environment, which the university and its inhabitants will face in the decades to come. Seven environmental scan factors have been identified and summarized based on the imaginative thoughts of futurists gathered through reports, magazine articles, journal papers and web-based materials.


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  • المستلَم: ١٨ يناير ٢٠١٤
  • المقبول: ٣٠ أبريل ٢٠١٤
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