
The Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) model is an emerging one which adds technology as a lens and context to the Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (PCK) model. Technology is no longer an ad hoc visitor, where teachers are at liberty of inviting or excluding. Hence, the TPACK model has emerged in response to the fact that teaching and learning should be viewed, conceptualised, and re-contexualised from a “21st century digital lens”. This presentation showcases a mathematics education “TPACKed course” which was delivered to education students at Victoria University, Melbourne. The course embedded ICT enriched and carefully planned activities, exemplars, and e-practices. Towards the end of the course, the students were surveyed about their TPACK experiences. The presentation will share the promising and encouraging results associated with students’ attitude towards the implemented TPACK approach. Reported concerns and challenges will also be shared. This presentation will argue that whilst the integration of technology across teaching and learning is essential, technology itself should neither become the focus of education nor a superficial mean to merely promote the “know how” capabilities. Technology should be a strategic and tactical investment into education to actively engage students, promote students’ understanding, connect to students’ experiences, and promote their “know why” conceptual understanding.


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