
Microalgae have a great potential to be used in animal feeding due to its significant amount of protein and essential fatty acids secreted in their cells. Two strains of microalgae were selected from Qatar University Culture Collection of Cyanobacteria and Microalgae (QUCCCM) isolated from the Qatari coasts and subjected to different cultural conditions (salinities and CO2) and the biomass produced is further analyzed for protein, lipids, and mineral composition. Result shows that Tetraselmis sp. under optimum condition of 35 psu and 5% CO2 enriched air is a promising candidate for feedstock production containing higher amount of calcium. Additionally, Nannochloris sp. isolate contains high amount of fatty acids, especially PUFA and contains high amount of potassium. We suggest using a blend of Tetraselmis sp. and Nannochloris sp. to provide adjustable diet for animals depending on their dietary requirements.


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  • Received: 07 December 2015
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