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Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Volume 2012 Issue 1
- Conference date: 21-23 Oct 2012
- Location: Qatar National Convention Center (QNCC), Doha, Qatar
- Volume number: 2012
- Published: 01 October 2012
41 - 60 of 469 results
الاشارات النفسية في مؤلفات علماء الدين المسلمين
More Lessترمي هذه الدراسة إلى تجلية الاشارات النفسية في مؤلفات علماء الدين الاسلامي وإلى الكشف عن مدى تمكن بعضهم في الحديث عن الشخصية الانسانية من الناحية النفسية ومن خلال اطلاع الباحث على مؤلفات اولئك العلماء فقد لاحظ شمول مؤلفاتهم على المشاعر الانسانية كما لاحظ كذلك أنهم طرحوا جملة من الاطروحات وعددا من القضايا التي يمكن ان تضاف إلى الرصيد العربي في مجال علم النفس. يعد الدين من مكونات الثقافة الأساسية في كثير من المجتمعات ويقوم علماء الدين بتوضيح التعاليم والاحكام الدينية لكل مجتمع وتوجيه الخطاب للعقول البشرية ويتطلعون الى شكل التفاعل والاستجابة فهم يبحثون - في عملهم- عن الاثار النفسية في ذوات الناس. وحسب ماتوصل إليه الباحث فإن التراث الذي تركه علماء الدين الاسلامي قد احتوى على ابعاد واشارات نفسية من الممكن ادراجها تحت مظلة الاراء النفسية، ويجد الباحث تقاربا ملحوظا بين بعض النظريات النفسية وبين ماتناوله بعض علماء الدين الاسلامي في مؤلفاتهم كالغزالي وابن تيمية وابن القيم وأبي زيد البلخي وخصوصا في المواضيع التالية: الانفعالات. الجوانب المعرفية للشخصية. مفهوم اللذة والألم الاكتئاب والوسواس الامن النفسي. أما اهداف البحث فهي: ١-جمع الاشارات النفسية التي احتوتها مؤلفات علماء الدين الاسلامي وتحريرها وبيان ارتباطها بالعلوم النفسية. ٢- الاستفادة من مضامين تلك الاشارات النفسية لصالح التنمية البشرية. ٣- تبيين القيمة الكبيرة للاشارات النفسية في النصوص المقروءة لا سيما الروحية منها فالقراءة تسهم في تشكيل الفكر والمبادئ والسلوك. ٤-استقراء النصوص الدينية لدى العلماء من الناحية النفسية ومايتبعه من اضافة في مواضيع البحث في العلوم الانسانية. ٥-تشجيع الدراسات النفسية لتراث العلماء المسلمين. ويتبع الباحث المنهج الوصفي في هذا البحث. واهم النتائج: ١-كشفت الدراسة عن ابرز الاشارات النفسية التي استخدمها بعض علماء الدين الاسلامي في مؤلفاتهم. ٢-تعرفت الدراسة علئ ابرز تلك الدراسات للافادة منها في ميدان التنمية البشرية. ٣-تظهر الدراسة توافق رأي علماء الدين الاسلامي مع علم النفس في عدة مواضيع. واهم التوصيات: ١-تفعيل التواصل بين علماء النفس وعلماء الدين لتكتمل دائرة التنمية البشرية للمجتمعات بتضافر الجهود العلمية. ٢-العمل على انشاء مراكز ابحاث نفسية لدراسة التراث الديني. ٣-اعداد مناهج وتأسيس اقسام في الجامعات في الدراسات النفسية لمؤلفات علماء الدين
Social sustainability and the historical district projects: Souq Waqif in Qatar as a case study.
By Diaa NoufalThe conflicts between economic growth, social well-being and ecological environment have frequently been highlighted. There is evidence that rehabilitation projects, while generating economic activity and improving the physical environment, also lead to many serious social problems, such as forced eviction and gentrification. Other issues include conflicts involving the cultural role of heritage and loss of social continuity and community neighborhood, exclusion of community participation, property speculation, loss of sense of place, urban sprawl and social exclusion. Thus, there is an urgent need to address the concept of socially sustainable development in the rehabilitation of urban historic districts. The case of Souq Waqif provides a unique opportunity for the topic where there was no previous relevant research. In addition, its urban context and the city are unique considering the architectural components, and environmental, cultural and social context. Lessons learned from studying social sustainability in Doha are expected to add remarkable input to the understanding of the city urban development and the resulting social change. The complexity and the novelty of the research topic required a combination of methods or what the research sources refer to as 'triangulation'. The study evaluated a large amount of literature related to social and cultural values connected directly or indirectly to the built environment, particularly historical districts. Four main stages were done starting from literature review to collecting data, conducting surveys, analyzing them and arriving to solid results and recommendations. Interviews were conducted in three modes; face-to-face (F2F), telephonic, and online. Three main experts on the project participated during the research to reflect on different points studied over a carefully designed questionnaire. The experts represented the project designers, the development management and the academic perspective on the topic. Results were able to identify the strengths and weaknesses in the development of Souq Waqif and the direct and indirect impacts of the project on the overall social life of the space users - whether they are tourists, labourers or business owners. The study has resulted in important messages for planning and social sustainability of similar projects, management recommendations and necessary practices to avoid anticipated decay.
Cross-cultural communication barriers and leadership styles of nurse managers towards a transcultural management model
More LessBACKGROUND & OBJECTIVES: Cultural diversity provides opportunities and challenges. Diversity in the workplace requires efficient communication to deliver effective leadership. Hamad Medical Corporation's expatriate population is one of its strengths. However, communication between cultures remains an issue. The aim of the study is to correlate relationships between the cross-cultural communication barriers and the leadership styles of nurse managers; it sought to answer the following: (1) What cross-cultural communication barriers are perceived in the Nursing Department of Hamad General Hospital? (2) What are the leadership styles of the nurse managers as rated by the staff nurses and the nurse managers themselves? (3) Is there a significant relationship between cross-cultural communication barriers and the leadership styles of nurse managers? (4) Based on the findings of the study, what transcultural management model can be proposed? METHODS: The study employed the descriptive-correlational design with convenient sampling as a technique. A sample size of one hundred forty-one (n-141) participants was utilized. Validated survey questionnaires using Cronbach's alpha coefficients were used. There were two questionnaires on leadership styles and one questionnaire on cross-cultural communication barriers. In finding the relationship of the cross-cultural communication barriers and the leadership styles, the correlation coefficient 'Pearson r' was utilized. RESULTS: - Stereotype has negative high correlation (-0.71) in Autocratic Leadership Style. - Different Expectations (0.96), Language Differences (0.94), and Misinterpretation of Communication (0.93) have very high correlations in Democratic Leadership Style. - Different Expectations (0.98), Language Differences (0.96) and Distrust (-0.91) have high positive and high negative correlations in Laissez-Faire Leadership Style, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: (1) Both the nurse managers and staff nurses believe that Different Expectations and Language Differences are top cross-cultural communication barriers. (2) Both the nurse managers and staff nurses believe that democratic leadership style is most evident in the workplace. (3) Cross-cultural communication programs should be considered to address Different Expectations, Language Differences, Stereotypes and Distrust. (4) Adopt a transcultural management model such as the M.D. Santos Transcultural Management Model.
إدارة المخاطر بين البنوك الاسلامية و التقليدية دراسة مقارنة على البنوك القطرية المدرجة في السوق المالي
More Lessالمخاطر في مجال الصناعة البنكية أمر لابد منه تقتضيه طبيعة نشاط البنوك ، و هذا البحث هو استكشاف لعالم المخاطر في الصناعة البنكية قديما و حديثا، بالإضافة إلى اجراء التحليلات المالية و الاحصائية للبنوك المدرجة في السوق المالي القطري في الفترة ما بين 2006-2010 منهج البحث : قائم على لغة الارقام و التحليل و الاستقراء مع الاستعانة بمنهج الوصف و المقارنة . هدف البحث : قياس المخاطر الرئيسية التي تتعرض لها البنوك الاسلامية و التقليدية في قطر من خلال النسب المالية و التحليل بالمخاطر الخاصة و التحليل الاحصائي لمعرفة من أكثر مخاطرة . ومن اهم النتائج التي توصل اليها الباحث : 1-ان البنوك الإسلامية التزمت ببازل 1و2 لانه خيار يفرضه عليها العولمة ولكنها راعت في تطبيقه اختلاف طبيعة البنوك الإسلامية عن التقليدية . 2-إن لمجلس الخدمات الإسلامي و هيئة المحاسبة و المراجعة دورا بارزا في أسلمة بازل 1و2 لتلاءم البنوك الاسلامية و تراعي الاختلافات بينها وبين البنوك التقليدية . 3-التحليل المالي للبنوك الإسلامية و التقليدية يثبت تفوق البنوك الإسلامية في بعض النسب و تفوق البنوك التقليدية في نسب اخرى . 4-التحليل باستخدام معادلة المخاطر الخاصة تدل على تفوق البنوك الإسلامية . 5-التحليل الاحصائي للإنحراف المعياري للعائد على الملكية يظهر أن البنوك الإسلامية مجتمعة أقل خطرا من البنوك التقليدية مجتمعة . 6-التحليل الاحصائي يؤكد أن الحجم مؤثر في مخاطر البنوك الإسلامية و التقليدية . 7- التحليل الاحصائي يدل على ان العوامل المؤثرة في مخاطر البنوك الإسلامية و التقليدية تنقسم إلى قسمين :عوامل مشتركة و عوامل مختلفة لاتفاق كليهما في كونهما وسيطا ماليا و اختلاف كليهما في الطريقة . التوصيات :في ضوء التحليلات التي قام بها الباحث و الاستنتاجات التي تم التوصل اليها يمكن التوصية باجراء المزيد من التحليلات المالية و الاحصائية للبنوك الاسلامية في الدول الخليجية و العربية و الاسلامية لمعرفة مدى أمان البنوك الإسلامية .
Improving rule of law and administration of justice through alternative dispute resolution in the Middle East and North Africa: Case study of Qatar
By Leila HanafiThis research project explores the implementation of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) programs within the broader rule of law program context. A case study is presented using field research and primary sources of one well-developed ADR country, Qatar. In particular, Qatar showcases how arbitration and mediation are being used as positive means of resolving legal disputes and working towards better administration of justice. ADR has been introduced as a method that offers newly-developed mechanisms and alternatives that greatly assist judges, barristers and legal experts in expediting legal cases, finding creative legal ways to solve court issues and facilitate the unclogging of institutional bottlenecks that usually characterize the Arab legal systems. As such, Qatar's example may have the potential to serve as a template for other MENA countries that are embarking on their own rule of law reforms, since it is perceived as model nation in the region (in terms of spearheading the adoption of ADR laws). However, ADR laws in the region as a whole, remain relatively undeveloped despite the existence of a supportive legal framework. My research would analyze the current legislative framework of ADR within MENA countries, with a focus on Qatar - given ADR advancements there, particularly the dispute settlement procedure and administration of justice. The research presents an important opportunity to consider the impact of ADR law on expanding access to justice, reducing burdens on court systems, introducing greater flexibility and creativity to the dispute resolution process, and opening avenues for conciliatory resolutions. Through the country case studies, this research seeks to place within the context of rule of law development, the use of ADR to increase access to justice and extend more widely the protections and benefits of the rule of law for advancing administration of justice by complementing the work of the formal justice system. Its essence is that it gives an in-depth look on the current ADR development challenges facing the Arab region and its future development as a means to resolve legal disputes, in accordance with national and traditional standards.
Technology awakening behind the veils
By Muqeem KhanBackground: While technology comes from outside sources, ideas and concepts are quietly evolved in local Arabian society. With advanced channels of communication and ease of available technological tools, the young minds of Qatari women are ready to adapt to forthcoming challenges. The notion of storytelling in the digital realm among these young Arab women reflects the interplay of traditional culture, Western modernism and changes brought about by media industries. As a result, the way these young minds convey meaning in their moving images is also changing dramatically. These women adopt and use new media as a vehicle to maneuver their interesting and fresh ideas. Their thinking methodology has culminated in pragmatic and dynamic visuals which celebrate, inform or create awareness about issues of their surrounding world. They are creating new visual culture with freedom of expression and forcing themselves to transform into a meaningful workforce for the region. The intuitive context of these animations from these young minds incorporates the challenges of synthesizing multiple "dialect" and "codes" that have traditionally been segregated. This presentation shows how current technological tools embrace a contextual adjective, intangible cultural heritage and design thinking in a classroom setting. The presentation also highlights the pedagogical concerns of media industry in the region, from the dichotomies between intuitive and pragmatic instructional paradigm for the young Arab storytellers. Objectives: * To develop creative responses to the ways in which 3D/2D emerging technologies initiate the imagination for young minds; * To discuss the emotional and communicative aspects of visual narratives within the contextual paradigm; The central research question: Is emerging technology a meaningful factor of initiating a purposeful content creation? Results: The presentation will be showing the following outcomes developed by young Arab women: http://www.muqeemkhan.com/teaching/MIT%20395_12/index.html http://www.muqeemkhan.com/teaching/MIT393_sum_11/index.html http://www.muqeemkhan.com/teaching/MIT393_10/index.html
Renewal of Islamic jurisprudence Da'wah: Between acceptance and rejection
More LessOne of the terms that cause confusion, suspicion, many conflicts and disagreement is "Islamic renewal". While renewal is legitimate and necessary, as admitted by the imams of Islam, this term has become a source of contention in recent times. Some have tried to give this term a strange mission and vision far from the truth and essence of Islam. One of the greatest fields where controversy erupts is the field of renewal of Islamic jurisprudence, where there are three different calls: The first call believes that the renewal of jurisprudence leads to alienation of religion. The second call, however, sees that the renewal of jurisprudence is legitimate. The third call is also calls for renewal, but the renewal of its vision - meaning reformulating doctrine and religion to something different from what it known of Islam throughout its glorious history - to make it subservient to the values of other civilizations and its concepts. Hence from that, the importance of this research to differentiate between "legitimate renewal" and the renewal which is alleged to undermine Islam. This research was divided into four sections and a conclusion. The first section deals with the concept of jurisprudence and its status and historical background. The second section addresses the concept of renewal of Islamic jurisprudence. The third section addresses some very important issues pertaining to renewal of Islamic jurisprudence. The fourth section is allocated to discuss "alleged renewal" and the conclusion records the most important results of this research.
Reckless driving phenomenon among young Qataris
Authors: Kaltham Ali Al-Ghanim, Abualkarim Alamir Hasan and Kheder ZakariaStatistics shows that more than 80 Qataris under the age of 24, die each year - and a large number are exposed to serious injuries - as a result of excessive speed and also because of reckless driving. This study aims to identify the factors which motivate the young to drive recklessly and practice risky behaviors, comparing the study results with other studies in different societies in order to develop knowledge about young people's risky behaviors, as well to develop intervention programs to change their concepts and attitudes. The study combined quantitative and qualitative analyzes. This included: - analyzing data which related to the traffic accidents - conducting a survey to gather information from 1000 young people - a case study of 50 young people who have frequent traffic violations - interviewing 5 fathers and 5 mothers whose sons practice risky driving - audience interviews (52 individuals) Study results showed that there are many reasons behind reckless driving, such as the age of the driver, parenting styles (the case study showed that the fathers encouraged their sons to drive a car during holidays), families allowing teenagers to drive before getting a driver's license, the young believing that speed and risky driving reinforce the confidence of the driver himself, the passengers' negative role on the young drivers. The study proposes an intervention program to reduce accidents by integrating young people who are applying for a driver's license into a training program.
Pioneers of moderation and renewal: Aspects of moderation and renewal at the thought of Imam Abu Al-Hasan Nadwi
More Lessالناظر إلى واقع الأمة الإسلامية اليوم، على مختلف اتجاهاتها وتياراتها الفكرية والسلوكية؛ يرى انحرافا خطيرا عن الوسطية التي هي أخص خصائص هذه الأمة، إما إلى إفراط وإما إلى تفريط، إما إلى غلوّ وإما إلى جفاء. هذا على مستوى الأمّة عمومًا، فإذا نظرنا إلى واقع الغيّورين الذين أقضَّ مضاجعهم هذا الواقع المؤلم لأمّتهم، فطفقوا يبحثون عن سبل العلاج وطوق النَّجاة، فإننا نجد انعكاس واقع الأمة على حالهم، فمنهم المفرِط والمفرِّط، والمشَرِّق والمغرِّب، منهم من غلا وأفرط في الغلوّ، فنشأت جماعات تكفير ، وعادت سوق الخوارج رائجة، ومنهم من فرَّط وجفا، فأضاع معالم الدّين وأصول العقيدة، ففشا الإرجاء، وانطمست معالم التَّوحيد، وحقيقة العبادة. وبين هؤلاء وأولئك: فئة على منهج الوسطية تقتفي الأثر، وتصحِّح الطّريق، وتجدد الدين على منهج أهل السنة والجماعة وإن فضيلة الشيخ أبي الحسن الندوي -فيما نحسب ولا نزكي على الله أحدا- علم من هؤلاء العظماء الأعلام الذين استضاء بهم تاريخ أمتنا ، وجمعوا من الصفات ما بوأهم منزلة القيادة والريادة وهذا البحث وإن كان قد سبقه كثيرون كتبوا عن فضائل ومآثر هذا الإمام وفاء بحقه وتعميما لفضله وخيره، إلا أنه يركز على إبراز شيء مختلف فهو يعنى بدراسة جوانب الوسطية والتجديد في حياة الندوي، وهذا الجانب المهم لم يعتن به الآخرون، ولم يولوه حقه من البحث والدراسة. خطة الدراسة: قسَّمت هذه الدراسة إلى تمهيد وثلاثة فصول وخاتمة : أما التمهيد فيتضمن الحديث عن مفهوم الوسطية والتجديد، إذ هما المَعْنيَّان بالدراسة في حياة هذا الإمام. وأما الفصل الأول فتضمن التعريف بأبي الحسن وحياته العلمية. وأما الفصل الثاني: فتحدث عن جوانب الوسطية في شخصية وعلم وفكر أبي الحسن. وأما الفصل الثالث: فيتحدث عن أبرز جوانب التجديد التي اعتبر بسببها أبو الحسن أحد المجدٍّدين في العصر الحديث. وأما الخاتمة: فقد بثثت فيها بعض مشاعري تجاه هذه الشخصية العظيمة والتي عايشتها من خلال كتبها فترة تعلمت فيها الكثير. والله أسأل أن يجعل هذا العمل خالصا لوجهه الكريم وأن ينفع به كاتبه وقارئه، وجميع المسلمين. والله من وراء القصد، وهو حسبنا ونعم الوكيل.
Knowledge management in the GCC countries: The new challenge for governments and markets
More LessThe purpose of this paper is twofold. First, it highlights the strategic challange and importance of managing knowledge resources in the Gulf. Second, it presents the factors that influence the GCC countries' ability to better transfer, manage and utilize knowledge within the peculiar context of large expatriate workforce. A set of recommendations are addressed to both policy makers and the heads of KM departments in the region. There are numerous lessons to be drawn from this study, which may be taken as guidelines for future initiatives or programs targeted to the development and employment of national human capital. The study confirms that it is pivotal to focus on not only knowledge development but also knowledge management.
In-depth analysis of mathematics performance of college students in Qatar
Authors: Sheikh Tijan Cham and Hichem KennicheResearch has shown that students' performance on college-level mathematics is poor across the globe and Qatar is no exception. Thus, there is a need to analyze in depth the weaknesses in the educational system, its pedagogical approaches and the materials it employs. The main purpose of this research is to assess the mathematics performance of college students in Qatar. There could be a number of reasons for this under-performance. However, based on our experience as mathematics instructor, our research will focus on the following two aspects: Firstly, college level mathematics cannot begin unless students have followed preliminary courses in appropriate sequences which could provide them with a solid foundation. Consequently, we will attempt to answer this first question: 1. Is students' under-performance due to a lack of understanding of the basic mathematics studied earlier in their schooling? Secondly, most materials used in Qatari colleges are written in English; for instance, the current textbook in use. Furthermore, many colleges in Qatar either require students to sit for American exams, such as SAT, ACT, either at the point of entry or at the end of their foundation program. Since the majority of students in Qatar learn English as a second language, a second pertinent question is: 2. What is the relationship between students' language ability and performance in mathematics? In order to address these two questions, we conducted a survey among students in our college and prepared the same questionnaires for similar institutions. To gather enough evidence about the students' performance, we analyzed 'Beginner' and 'Advanced' group students' results on entrance examinations and several end-of-term tests within the foundation program. To get more information about the participants, we will conduct interviews with a sample of the students that will address the two research questions more deeply. The results of this research will facilitate a better understanding of student's under-performance specifically in mathematics and, possibly, other subjects. Since the leadership in Qatar sees education as key to social and economic progress, the results of this research could be useful to all educationists in Qatar in informing their future decisions.
In pursuit of social justice: Qatar's leading role as an Islamic model.
More LessBackground: Despite its relatively small native population, Qatar's impressive number of charitable and social organizations makes it unique. In response to the initiatives of Qatar Foundation, Qatar is constantly expanding its role in promoting philanthropy, social responsibility,and volunteerism as part of contributing to civil governance on both local and global levels, inspired by the Islamic model of social justice exemplified by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Objectives: 1. Support the claim that Qatar can serve as a possible Islamic model for social justice. 2. Show the strong connection between Qatar's leading role in promoting social justice and its strong support for interfaith dialogue and religious understanding and cooperation. Methods: Using a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, this research examines Qatar's philanthropic initiatives through government, nonprofit, and both national and international charitable organizations such as Qatar Red Crescent Society, Social Development Center (SDC), Qatar Charitable Society (QCS), and Reach out to Asia (ROTA). Results: Qatar's aim has been to promote economic prosperity and stability among its citizens and also has been a key aid provider on a global level as part of its commitment to the National Human Rights Committee (NHRC). Qatar's commitment to religous understanding and cooperation is an essential means to promote social justice. Qatar's religious diversity enriched by its large expatriate community has helped it become a hub for interfaith dialogue, as shown by its public funding of sixteen Christian churches and its Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue (DICID), which hosts an annual conference and publishes a scholarly journal entitled 'Religions-Adyan'. The theme of its first numbered issue was, "Charity and Compassion: Interreligious Perspectives". Conclusion: Qatar is playing a key role in the pursuit of social justice on local, regional, and global levels while staying true to its Islamic character and thereby serving as a potential Islamic model.
Getting motivated to learn: Role of school and family support perception of some Arab students
More LessInequities in learning motivation among school students have been attributed to many factors, among which school environment and family support are important and well documented. Most of these studies have been in culturally different societies, which do not share much commonality with schools and societies of Arab world. Diversity within Arab world countries, with respect to their socioeconomic status, further thins down the possibility of establishing any grounded theories on these aspects, based on relevant literature available from studies conducted in Arab world countries. Schools with sufficient resources and infrastructures, and families without any economic constraints do influence the learners' motivation differently in some Arab countries, and lead to inequity, contrary to other findings elsewhere. A qualitative study was conducted in a boys' boarding school over a period of six years, with an initial pilot study with 12 selectively sampled students to establish the issues to be used for further interviews. The final interviews were conducted with the same 12 students and 54 other selectively sampled students of age ranging between 13 to 18 years. Information was gathered through records of students' academic performance, observation of students' classroom and out of class academic attitudes and interviews with open ended questions about their perception of school and family support. Common themes of perception of lack of belonging and support, from school and family, were prominent reasons for decreasing motivation for learning among these students. Negative perception of school environment induced by isolation emerged as a factor for reduced motivation. A new role of private tutors emerged to be influencing the motivation to learn. Private tutors, parents with less contact time, and disturbed family structure, did negatively affect the students' motivation to learn. Learners who were able to merge themselves with the school system were able to get self motivated. Such merger was influenced by the students' cultural adaptability, involvement of students' family member in the day to day affairs of the student in school and involvement of parents in school affairs and activities. The findings warrant, revision of curriculum and school policies, and social awareness, for affecting student learning motivation.
Franchise contract and its provisions according to the Islamic jurisprudence compared to civil law عقد الامتياز التجاري وأحكامه في الفقه الإسلامي .. دراسة مقارنة
More LessThe present study aims to evaluate franchise contract from the perspective of the Islamic jurisprudence. Franchise is one of the most common contracts prevalent in the modern economy and contributes to local and international economic development. In consideration of its crucial importance and, due to a lack of any normative studies in this regard from the perspective of Islamic Jurisprudence, the current research was initiated. The study includes four chapters, starting with a historical background of franchise contract and its economic importance and negative impacts. Then the research provides a definition to franchise contract, states its elements, liabilities of its parties and ways of its expiry. With a belief that judgment on any matter relays on its conceptualization, the first two chapters aimed to give a comprehensive description of the franchise contract. The study also provides legal description of the contract and the subject matter of the contract. At this stage the study concludes that franchise contract is a new and separate contract which does not fit into any other known contracts. The study also analyzes the problems of Islamic jurisprudence pertaining to franchise contract. It holds up the most appropriate view in addressing such problems. The study tackles the impact of the economic boycott, monopoly practices and the international financial crisis on franchise contract. The study concludes with findings and recommendations.
Energy utilization and human behavior in higher education facilities
Authors: Yasser Osman Moharam Mahgoub and Rania KhalilEnergy consumption can be attributed to many factors; technology, energy prices, general economic conditions, attitude and behavior towards energy use. Studies indicate that although people are often aware of the benefits of using energy more efficiently, a variety of social, cultural, and economic factors often prevent them from doing so. This paper presents the findings of a research project funded by Qatar Foundation to understand the behaviors, attitudes, and levels of understanding among faculty, staff, and students related to energy use in Qatar University buildings. A multi-method approach was used in five buildings including web surveys, behavioral observations, environmental measures and focused interviews. The analyses considered differences between the three population groups. Among the findings, QU staff is most concerned about conserving energy in QU buildings while students are the least concerned. A significant proportion of survey respondents are not aware of the university's efforts to conserve energy and many felt that university efforts are inadequate. The observations and self-reports indicated an abundance of energy-consuming equipment in offices, and lights and computers are often left on when work spaces and conference rooms are unoccupied. Furthermore, occupants tend to wear heavy clothing during warm weather months, requiring excessively low building temperatures. Finally, most occupants are willing to accept higher building temperatures during warm weather months and lower temperatures during cold weather months. This research attempted to understand the psychological, cultural, and institutional context within which energy-related decisions are made in educational facilities and how these factors influence energy consumption. Understanding these factors helps public agencies design and implement more effective energy-saving policies and programs. Methods and tools developed by this study can be duplicated in other building types and facilities.
The Qatari role in the Arab spring revolutions and its impact on Qatar's image in the Arab world: A comparative study between media and NGO's roles
More LessAs the Arab Spring swept across much of the Middle East and North Africa, Qatar was already well established as a state with a reach and influence far exceeding its physical size. Its role in negotiations in Lebanon, Darfur, and between Ethiopia & Eritrea, had established Qatar's pedigree as a neutral, well-resourced, and dedicated mediator. Though it was not always successful—such as in Yemen where various ceasefires broke down—Qatar had an effective combination: a non-threatening posture, lack of real political interests in the countries in question, significant financial inducements, and nimble rapid responses in the face of crisis thanks to a lack of bureaucratic impediments. We record multiple forms of support for the Arab spring, such as the clear role of the media (Al Jazeera- Al Jazeera Egypt- Free Libya channel), military support, NGO's aid and a diplomatic role. Research question: What is the Qatari role in Arab spring revolutions and its impact on Qatar image in the Arab world? Research importance: 1. Qatar is the only Arab state that has not faced increased agitation among citizens during a period of regional upheaval. 2. Qatar was leery of potentially weakening a fraternal Sunni monarchy, as any efforts to mediate or ease tensions would have profoundly fractured its relations with its key neighbor, Saudi Arabia. 3. Qatar support to the Arab Spring revolutions is in line with Qatari foreign policy. 4. In the wake of the Arab Spring, the U.S. has found Qatar to be an exceedingly useful ally. Its unique position as an ally for numerous Islamic actors has enabled it to play the critical role of interlocutor. Research Methodology: The research depended on both quantitative and qualitative techniques via descriptive exploratory methodology using survey and focus group discussions. The research depended on designing a well-structured questionnaire and meetings with 500 from Arabs (from Egypt, Syria, Libya, Tunisia and Yemen) plus the design of 10 focus group discussions (with male and females) to interpret the quantitative data. The study documented the Qatari role in the Arab Spring and its impact on forming the Qatari image for the Arab public.
Socio-demographic study of obsessive compulsive disorder in Qatar
Authors: Taher Shaltout and Ehsane Mohsen GadObjective: We dedicated our work to study the socio-demographic aspect of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) patients seeking psychiatry treatment in outpatient clinic of Hamad General Hospital for a duration of approximately 5 years of continuous follow-up. Methods: Out of 8878 individual patients who attended the psychiatric outpatient clinic from August 1996 to December 2001, we reviewed a total number of 348 patients with a diagnosis of OCD (according to International Classification of Diseases-10 diagnostic criteria). We divided them according to age, sex, nationality, duration of illness, occupation and marital status. Each patient was interviewed using a structured interview technique and evaluated by a psychiatrist in one session at the psychiatric outpatient clinic. Results: We found that the disorder is more prevalent among non-Qatari people (52%) (Arabs 26.2%, non-Arabs 15.8%) than Qatari people (48%); more common at the age groups of 31-45 years (44.8%); more frequent in the category that visited the outpatient clinic for a period of 1-4 years (60%). We found that the married females (34.5%) are affected more than the married males patient (24.7%). It was also found that in the diagnosis of OCD predominantly obsessional thoughts were 54.9%; more frequent in the sample than the other diagnosis. Conclusion: In the state of Qatar, where expatriates usually outnumber Qatari patients, we discovered that non-Qatari patients are affected more with OCD than the natives. Sex, marital status and occupation also proved to be important factors. From our study, in the female married group, being a housewife seems to pose a greater risk in developing OCD. Predominantly obsessional thought was the most common sub-type of OCD affecting the patients in Qatar.
Effective use of the web: Digital literacy in Qatar
Authors: Susan Dun, Motasem Kalaji and Dina MutassemBackground/Objectives: The digital divide, which separates those with and without access to web resources, is a significant concern, given the explosion of resources available via the web. However research carried out in the US demonstrates that access alone does not eliminate the digital divide; rather, users must have a relatively high level of digital literacy to effectively use web resources. The need to understand, measure, and potentially improve local levels of digital literacy is crucial for countries like Qatar that have already spent a great deal of effort to expand access to the internet and have as a goal to "universalize access to social services and to create a knowledge-based online society" (Al-Jaber & Dutta, citing ictQATAR's goals, 2008). Accordingly the objective of this study is to provide an initial assessment of internet digital literacy in monolingual and bilingual native speakers of Arabic and English in Qatar. Methods: The research utilizes observational methods established in Hargittai's digital literacy research. Data collection consisted of a 90 minute session of a pre-questionnaire, an observational session where the respondents perform internet searching tasks and finally a post-questionnaire. We will analyze the level of digital literacy by measuring both the ability of the searchers to successfully complete the tasks as well their efficiency in doing so. We will correlate the results with demographic variables to determine if there are differences in digital literacy levels in Qatari/non-Qatari, Arabic vs. English and bilingual vs. monolinguals etc. Results: We are in the process of data collection. We expect our results will be particularly useful to ictQATAR in their policy decision-making. Knowing what levels of digital literacy exist in the Arabic subpopulations in Doha, especially Qataris, will help them design effective web-based tools. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first study to evaluate Arabic users' and bilinguals' web searching strategies using observational methods. The results should not only aid local decision makers such as ictQATAR but also provide a groundbreaking source of information for scholars of the Internet and digital literacy, allowing the development of more effective educational interventions.
Communities in the 21st century: Effectiveness of new media channels in shaping public awareness and participation in development and charity campaigns
More LessBackground & Rationale: The national vision of Qatar 2030 seeks to advance human development, social development, economic development and environmental development in the region, allowing it to modernize and stay relevant to 21st century global interactions while maintaining its morals, traditions, and culture. The Qatari government has already devoted significant resources toward providing services that strengthen families in Qatar. As in many countries, various social campaigns are promoted through public service announcements in print media, billboards, and via radio and TV. However, technology and society are changing and these traditional approaches may not be the only way (or the best way) to reach all intended audiences especially in the field of developmental and charity work. Purpose: The study tested and evaluated the effectiveness of public service announcement campaigns and determineed if utilization of newer communication technologies (SMS, social media, etc.) can positively supplement more traditional methods of distributing public service announcements (e.g. billboard, radio, TV) and how this would be reflected on shaping public awareness and response to these campaigns in developmental and charity work. The project enlisted the support of local organizations (such as Qatar Foundation, Supreme Council of Education, Supreme Council of Family Affairs, Supreme Council of Communication) and non-governmental organizations, regional and international agencies to assess the effectiveness of various public service announcement campaigns. In particular we were interested in how well messages reach target audiences via traditional means and what is the impact of these messages on public awareness and response. The project also investigated the effectiveness of new alternative messaging strategies to see if alternative messaging techniques such as SMS and social networking pages could enhance and improve the effectiveness of these campaigns. Methodology: The study depended on comparative methodology using content analysis, focus group discussions and surveying target audience. The study will compare and assess different campaigns locally, regionally and internationally so as to set a new model of designing and better use new media tools and techniques. The results of this research provided useful data to help agencies determine the best ways to reach communities for which they can provide services.
An integrated approach to fare pricing, seat inventory control and fare class segmentation in airline industry with demand leakage
Authors: Syed Asif Raza and Muhammad Tahir AliDifferentiated pricing is a widely practiced revenue management (henceforth, RM) tactic in which a firm offers its products/services at differentiated prices to distinct markets. This strategy has also been noticed in airline RM for more than four decades. Earlier research has shown that the benefits from differentiated pricing are evident when the market segmentation is assumed perfect, which are regarded as distinct markets with deterministic demands. In perfect market segmentation, customers associated with a market segment do not cannibalize (move) between market segments. However, it is not uncommon to notice that the market segmentation is seldom prefect, regardless of the type of industry, and demand is often uncertain. As a result, passengers are expected to cannibalize between fare classes, which is also referred as demand leakage. This research addresses the issue of establishing an integrated framework to optimize market segmentation, often referred as fare class, fare price, and seat inventory control for an airline that experiences demand leakage. Three distinct models are proposed to determine the optimal market segmentation, fare pricing, and seat inventory control for an airline that experiences price dependent passenger demand which are deterministic demand, stochastic, and when the demand is stochastic, yet the demand is unknown respectively. The models are analyzed to determine an optimal joint control mechanism for market segmentation, fare pricing, and seat inventory control and it is shown that the revenue functions to airline are jointly concave. Numerical experimentation shows how do the problem related parameters impact the airline's optimal control strategy and upon airline's revenue gains.