Volume 2023, Issue 2
  • EISSN: 2309-3927


Children with neurodevelopmental disabilities (CWNDs) are reported to face far greater challenges, which result in worse outcomes, than children with physical disabilities. Very few studies quantify the cost of disability around the world, and to date no study has been based on CWNDs in Qatar. Through an in-depth quantitative and qualitative analysis, this study explores the financial dynamics of 15 families with CWNDs in Qatar. It examines the met and unmet costs related to medical care, education, and everyday well-being. Quantitatively, within the small sample, the total disability price tag of raising CWNDs in Qatar was found to be between QAR 2,700 and 40,000 per month, which can represent between 15 and 420% of the average family’s median income. From a qualitative perspective, financial difficulties played a central role in raising a child with a disability. This factor was also exacerbated in cases where families had good financial capacity. The lack of inclusive and affordable educational institutes and recreational activities, as well as irregular, spaced apart, or outdated modes of treatment were other significant challenges they faced. The study concludes with policy recommendations for these three areas.


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