Volume 2004, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 0253-8253
  • E-ISSN: 2227-0426


This is retrospective study of breast cancer in Qatar during period 1999-2002, using cancer registry data A total 214 patients were diagnosed with breast cancer; with incidence of5/10,000 of population per year; account-ing for 13.3% of new cancer cases and 29.9% of all female cancer. Male breast cancer is rare accounting for 3.2% of total number. Qatari patients were 23% and non-Qatari patients were 36.2%. The disease more common in ages between 46-55years old accounting for 64% of total breast cancer; patients usually presented beyond or equal to Stage II and with distant metastasis in 7% of cases, patients com-monly present with invasive ductal carcinoma and histo-logical Grade 2 & 3, it has been noticed that were decrease in incidence of Stage III & IV and decrease in Stage I & II which reflect improvement in patient awareness of this problem.


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  1. Cancer Registry Data, Oncology Section, Department of Medicine, Hamad Medical Corporation.
  • نوع المستند: Research Article

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