Volume 2009, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 0253-8253
  • E-ISSN: 2227-0426


Brucella arthritis is common in Mosul, Iraq, with peripheral arthritis being the most common presenting manifestation. A prospective analysis of 80 patients (43 female, 37 male) attending the Ibn-Sina General Teaching Hospital between October 2001 and September 2002recorded information on gender, age, residence, contactwith animals and intake of unsterilized dairy products andstudied the distribution of arthritis according to the patternof joint involvement. The knee joint was the most commonjoint affected (34%), followed by the hip joint (30%). Ofthe totaljoints involved, the arthritis was monoarticular in 563% andpausiarticular in 43.7%. It is recommended thatthe public and primary healthcare physicians are made aware of the occurrence, manifestations and importance of having correct treatment for this condition in view of its prevalence and economic implications.


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