Volume 2010, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 0253-8253
  • EISSN: 2227-0426


To analyze the epidemiological and clinical characteristic of a measles outbreak in Qatar in 2007, the records of 21 2 confirmed cases of measles were analyzed retrospectively, confirmation being based on clinical suspicion of the disease with a positive measles IgM (170 cases) and /or exposure to a laboratory confirmed measles case during the infectious period (42 cases; epidemiologic link). Eighty five percent of the cases occurred between April and July. Seventeen percent were in infants <  1 year of age, 47% in children between 1-5 years of age, 24% in school age children < 10 year of age and 1 2% in children >10 years old. Vaccinations were up to date in 60% of cases, second dose missed in 30% and no vaccination in 10% because of travel outside the country, concurrent illness, or lack of transportation. Thirty one percent of the cases required admission, with a mean hospital stay of four days. Cases were reported predominantly in Pakistani and Qatari patients, living mainly in three areas within the capital, Abu Hammour, Al Rayyan, and Al Mamuora.

Conclusion: Status of vaccination in Qatar needs careful analysis and the vaccination schedule should be reviewed. Early administration of vaccine, increasing community awareness, a well-coordinated school-based immunization program and immunization campaigns are required to prevent future outbreaks.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): MeaslesOutbreakQatar and Vaccination
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